What's the most whack thing you've seen in Taiwan?

What is wack is the day I spoke with an AIT (American Institute in Taiwan) official and was told that my government sells U.S. passports to any “chun” who can produce $500,000 (no questions asked) to invest in the USA.

I’m also suprised every year when I see the locals celebrate Christmas, Easter, and Halloween.

What is the most wack is to drive by Taipei American School on July 4th and not see a single white, black, or hispanic face in the crowd.

Next time try coming in, instead of just driving by . I’ll introduce you to my friends from Puerto Rico.
Ron Stuart would be interested in meeting you, too.
Maybe you can explain to us why there are alot more Asians at the TAS July 4th celebration than any I’ve been at in the USA? Soooo, whack.

one of those things that makes you go HUM…

This morning, corner of Dunhua and Heping. Two women on a bicyle. One riding it and one sitting side saddle on the rear fender/book rack… not holding on, with her little book daintly on her lap, FAST ASLEEP…

One of those wish I had a camera moments.

parasite boy…

You know, I think the US government does a bit more screening than that… pretty darn sure of that. AND it is the CANNUCKS that have investment visas for about $500,000 US … The US requires over $1,000,000 plus they do screen the applicant… I personally know of a case of a Taiwanese man, with a US wife who was denied ENTRY into the US and was also denied an investor visa (although he had funds to invest ) due to past convictions…

Why would you be surprised to not see Hispanics, Blacks or WHITES at the 4th of July in Taipei? Cause there is such a large community of Black, Hispanic and Non-Asians here compared to the Asian community? Where are you in LA? And to see asians at the TAIPEI American School WHAT A SURPRISE… Are there no Asian Americans in Taipei? AND the event was open to EVERYONE dude and this is TAIWAN afterall.

Totally Whack to see Asians celebrate Halloween… Christmas… Easter… OK, what ever, I guess no one outside Germany celebrates Octoberfest and no one outside of China celebrates Chinese New years…


I might count as one of those hispanic faces in the crowd at TAS. You’re not one of those people who thinks that all those chinese families with kids at TAS bought fake US passports, are you? I once heard a teacher say something like that… You’d think she’d know better after living here for 15+ years.


Its alot cheaper to buy a “fake” US (or any other country’s) passport than the “real” passports AIT (and others) sell to anyone who can afford the $500,000 fee. What I’m saying that is wack are governments selling “real” passports allowing scum to step in line in front of those who are more deserving (ie. individuals seeking asylum from countries where there is genocide, starvation, war, ect.).

What is wack is the Chinese mother who drops her baby on its head and instead of taking it to the emergency room, opts to take it to the local Taoist temple to "take away the scare".

 What is wack is Taiwanese people who actually believe in ghosts.  Then again we have the same morons in the west who believe in angels.

i think primetime puppet shows are on the wack side. not like the muppet show or anything, they’re dramas :laughing:

24h news channels, I still wonder how they can fill 24h.

And … this guy pushing his son while riding a scooter. The son is on a bicycle and the father pushes him with his right foot at about 45 km/h.

Today, a pig on a leash in Mucha.


Last night, a woman getting off the MRT, her tracky bots blood soiled around the crotch.

Going down Heping at about 60. Some scooter punk in his vocational school uniform and girly hair doo (the hair doos resembling the 1985 Gloria Estaphan hair doo) gets upset that I accelerated in front of him. So he pulls up and yells at me in Chinese. I yell back in Chinese. He’s startled to see a whitey. But then gets aggressive and kicks my scooter. We have it out kicking and bashing each others scooter, weaving in and out of cars, coming back for more. It was heart pumping to say the least. Eventually we call it a draw and (as usual) act like nothing happened at the next light.

I would have never of dreamed I’d be doing this kind of stuff ten years ago.

Rascal, any scooter comments? :laughing:

Last night, some foreign girl (Australian I think) jogging around the track at Jenda university talking on her cell phone. “A—n---d to–m-m-m-m-or-owww I-I- ha-ve-ve t-oo- w-or-khhhh.”

Tonight at Breeze Centre in the Ralph Lauren shop. A cashmere sweater vest for $88,000!!!

My reflection in the mirror after my latest “only-in-Taiwan” haircut.

Rascal, any scooter comments?

Yes: Lucky them I don’t drive a car here. (And no scooter either)

I have seen a head-on collision on a one way street. I have seen a real live tiger and her cub in my mother-in-laws’ neighbors first floor area.

[quote=“galley gong”]Going down Heping at about 60. Some scooter punk in his vocational school uniform and girly hair doo (the hair doos resembling the 1985 Gloria Estaphan hair doo) gets upset that I accelerated in front of him. So he pulls up and yells at me in Chinese. I yell back in Chinese and tell him he’s a pig head. He’s startled to see a whitey. But then gets aggressive and kicks my scooter. We have it out kicking and bashing each others scooter, weaving in and out of cars, coming back for more. It was heart pumping to say the least. Eventually we call it a draw and (as usual) act like nothing happened at the next light.

I would have never of dreamed I’d be doing this kind of stuff ten years ago.

Rascal, any scooter comments? :laughing:[/quote]

Hey Galley, I love this story, but methinks it might be better posted in the Guilty Pleasures thread…on second thought…there wouldn’t be any guilt involved…just pleasure…ah well…post on, post on…

Now…is it whack the way Laobans treat their employees? Maybe not, but it is certainly whack the way the staff take this abuse with bowed head and stilled tongue…I, for one cannot get used to this seemingly weekly verbal thrashing the XiaoJies at work endure…Don’t these Laobans have any people management skills at all…motivation thru fear…who’da thunk it? CKS’s spirit lives on…I do understand this right, don’t I? Taiwanese don’t want the communists here right? You wouldn’t think so…it’s a verbal Tiannemen Square every week around our place of employ…

Same thing at my work: First thing in the morning, the loaban comes in, goes over to the pool and points out the shiao jies he is going to let loose on and returns to his office to wait for them, while they look at each other trying to figure out what they did wrong.

This happens almost daily. Quite wierd, as I drive with him in the morning and he seems like a nice guy.

A scooter with the name DIE

nice fancy looking logo but a VERY bad name

Omni, are you seriously without a decent hairstylist? If you’re in Taipei and want to know where you can go for a good cut, let me know. Anyone who can make me look somewhat dapper MUST be skilled.


I just saw a guy walking his pet Raccoon on a leash near the flower market this morning…I kid you not… :shock: