Moon Festival is coming in September.
Are you have any plans ?
Will you BBQ with your friends like most Taiwanese often do ?
Will you join a pretty long queue to buy moon cake ?
We will have an activity on August 31.
We will teach you how to make pineapple cake,traditional Taiwanese pastries.
We divide everyone into four groups with 2 people each.
If you are going to take part in the activity alone,you will meet someone and make it together. I think you two will cultivate good friendships.
If you and your friend come to join us,you two will have a special memory.
I might go to Taipei so I can get drunk in a park instead of at home
Yay an extra day to get drunk
I swear moon festival used to be more than one day though
I haven’t heart this song before. But I found the song on youtube. Thank you for your recommendation. I will play the song at the BBQ party. I think it’s a good idea.
Get drunk in a park? I think you will have more better choices in Taipei. Many activities in Taipei you could take part in. Anyway,have a wonderful holidays.
hope ya’all had a nice moon festival. somehow i thought it was today, but was apparently friday !
well no wonder i saw a super big moon just as i was landing in oakland from kaui.
so that was my moon festival
i actually never liked the moon festival while in taiwan because it meant the END OF SUMMER. and the begining of WInter which in north tAiwan sucks.
Decent continental bfast. Not far from airport. Beautiful view from rooms. Of the pool and the ocean barely 100feet away (closest rooms actually less than 50 feet from the waves !! A bit scary. Wouldn’t work in TAiwan being that close to the waves. a typhoon can come by and wipe you out.
My room was less than 100feet from the waves. I had trouble sleeping the two nights I was there.
Damn , I have a Gold Hyatt card … you could have had my points . Can’t afford to stay at them anymore , saving up for a round of drinks with @Brianjones . Hopefully you get back to Taiwan for a holiday .