When a buxiban witholds NHI payments - despite self-sponsorship

I worked part-time at a buxiban in 2018. It appears all the while they were deducting NHI contributions, despite me expressly telling them I was going through a “talent-union” agency and paying myself.

Stupid me for not checking my pay stubs. They just added it in without stating it was for NHI. I thought it was just tax.

Well, NHI noticed. They want me to pay an amount. Any idea why a buxiban would do this?

What do they gain? More importantly, how do I put it right. I can show the pay stubs no problem.

I also got slammed for being out of the country for a year and not paying these talent union fees. Apparently, you need to inform them of your departure. Damn, I did not know. Those are the rules I guess so I will have to pay up. A little bit of information in this regard would be appropriate though.

if you can be enrolled as an emploee, you cannot enroll through union.

Article 11 of National Health Insurance Act
The insured classified in Category 1 may not opt for classification in Category 2 or Category 3. …

What to Do If Going Abroad for More than Six Months

you could ask at nhi office. if you paid double, overpaid premium should be returned.


Thanks. I am a bit confused still. The buxiban does not exist anymore.

I will provide more details tomorrow.

don’t know your situation, but Articles 31 and 20 National Health Insurance Act may be relevant too.


if you were an employee of the buxiban and it was an insured unit, you should have enrolled through the buxiban.

if you were an employee of the buxiban but it was not an insured unit, or you were not eligible to enroll through the buxiban due to your contract, it is right you enrolled through the talent union.

if your insured income at the union wasn’t the income from the buxiban, the buxiban was supposed to withhold NHI fee from your extra income at the buxiban.

if your insured income at the union was the income from the buxiban, and you paid NHI fee double, the amount overpaid should be returnd from NHI office.

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Ok so I saw the NHI people and they know the deal with the deductions. I’m good.

I’m still being hit with 6k for being out of the country, when I should have still been paying the talent union (they need a new name).

I was supposed to briefly visit Australia for 3 weeks, but then covid hit. I was stuck in Aus.

Maybe I am in the wrong, but feel strongly that I should have been informed that I should stop payments if I intend to be away for more than a brief holiday.

I learnt that lesson. Still, I am a bit miffed.

Now I am searching the contract of the original talent union agency to see where they state this.

It’s paid now and behind me, but this should be expressly and clearly stated.

Yes, ignorance of the law is no excuse. Still, am I being a bit of a nutter here?

Just a clueless waiguo, for sure.