When do you stop thinking of yourself as a "foreigner"?

[quote=“Satellite TV”]
Like most other long term invaders from abroad…[/quote]:lol: Nice turn of phrase. I’ve done my fair share of ‘invading’ over the last two decades! :howyoudoin:

here’s the definitive answer to your question, courtesy of Imaniou:

"When do I stop thinking of myself as a “foreigner”?

When I stop getting gawked at like one. Seeing as that’s not going to happen until I leave, I suppose therein lies my answer."

the world is larger than this place. if you find yourself asking this q, then the allure of the airport must slowly become irresistible. and no, there is no negativity implied in this answer.

That could be true. I’m tossing around various notions on places to live in the future and where I fit in the system. Current includes the possibility of a few years on a canal boat in Britain with a Triumph motorcycle somehow stored in there that can be launched shoreward in minutes.

One thing that will not change is that I don’t fit into this Asian face saving bullshit system. I respect accountability and it seems to be ducking for cover in Asia.