When will quarantine in Taiwan end? (Currently 0+7)

Did you think of that all by yourself, or did you read it on a propaganda site?

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Because…He disagrees with you.

Makes sense now.

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Totally ok with his suggestion as long as he also advocates excluding bad drivers, fat people, people with std’s, sports injuries, people with root vegetables stuck in embarrassing places, and … well, about 60% of the people who ever go to hospital for anything because they didn’t “protect” themselves. It would save an awful lot of public money.

Or are we suggesting that the likes of Don Lemon should decide public policy now?


It’s a disgusting and amoral suggestion. If anyone makes that suggestion based solely on vaccination status, you know they are not worth responding to.


Here we go with the Christian stuff again.

The doc, a director of global health and emergency medicine at Columbia University , makes a call based on what he sees, it doesn’t mean he is a 'bad person '.
He just joins your very long list of disgusting people
…Which is frankly…Irrelevant !

I’ll always have a very skeptical eye on people who appoint themselves as morally superior.

He is a medical professional. He is entitled to his opinion just like anybody else.

I’ve seen you go and and on and on about fat people here. :sunglasses:
Maybe you shouldn’t have an opinion on fat people either ? :grin:


Again? I don’t think I’ve ever spoken about religion in relationship to covid, vaccines, or healthcare.

Perhaps you shouldn’t lie about what people say. Or you could get a dictionary.

Let’s imagine people who smoke, or don’t exercise it are fat also aren’t allowed enter the hospital. How does it sound?

Sorry, replied too fast, already mentioned. Because it’s obvious.

And irrelevant, as it will never be a thing in Taiwan.


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Like to not allow unvaccinated into the hospital, also irrelevant.

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Not “like”—that’s exactly what I was referring to! :rofl:


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A way to encourage the simple vaxxers is to tell them they’ll be denied entry to hospitals if they are unvaccinated.

I sure hope there is never a black market for false documents allowing access to emergency medical care.

Doctor’s practice medicine. Some have ulterior motives, some aren’t professional and, some are good.

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People have freedom not to vaccinate. Medical professionals should have freedom to not treat unvaccinated people if they dont want to. Pretty simple, dont really see why your so upset.

Also fatties and smokers do not constitute a substantive risk to the wider population or people treating them. Sure they risk themselves but thats their freedom to choose.

They actually don’t. Medical professionals can’t pick and choose who they help

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You love to debate about hypothetical worlds that don’t exist.

It’s not relevant to this thread’s topic. If you want to bang on about this and debate it with everyone, start your own thread.


That’s wrong. Fat people and people who don’t exercise are the ones using the most resources. Heart related problems, diabetes are many times caused by not taking care of yourself properly.
So, you could say they are stealing the resources to cure other people who aren’t responsible for their condition. Unlike fat people, who are 100% response of being fat and all associated illnesses.
Even if you are vaccinated you can get the COVID and spread it.

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I’m guessing you are American, Scummy. Am I right?

It seems like this viewpoint is more prevalent there.

Luckily most doctors don’t think like this.

If they pay for those resources and are not a danger to others then others should mind their own business. By the way I am not fat and do not smoke. If they have private health then mind your own.