When will quarantine in Taiwan end? (Currently 0+7)

You’re telling me 60% of Taiwan is antivax?

Come on. At least be realistic.

We’re not at a point where everyone who wants one can get one.


Certainly there are a lot of people waiting to get the vaccination of their choice. And still there are new people still getting vaccinated every day, right?

Regarding another point you made, are vaccinations open to everyone who wants them?

Thanks for your evidence.

Taiwan just passed 10 million vaccines and there are 23 million people on the island. That was achieved with significant donations from other countries. Vaccine supplies were dry through the month of August.

We should roughly be OK because of the bnt donation from industry and NGO, but even that was not secured to late July. It’s still not certain if Taiwan will have enough vaccines for this year.

The lack of vaccines has been the major discussion in Taiwanese media since July. People are very unhappy about not having vaccines and majority of Taiwanese want them.


Vaccine hesitancy isn’t really a thing in Taiwan. Some people are worried about certain vaccines, but in general there isn’t a major anti Vax movement here.

There is also immense social pressure and shaming in all aspects of life, so once supply is there, most people will get vqccinated

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Like, ever?

I’ve read some ridiculous things on forumosa, but this one ranks right up there!



Just check it up here:

Right now there are actually quite many doses available! Yes August saw no deliveries, but lately quite a lot came in. I don’t see most people getting vaccinated!

Just open any Taiwanese news site and 50% of stories will be about vaccines. People are super into vaccines. I’m sure we get to 90% when we have enough.

BNT vaccines now have the status of Hermes Birkin bag in the eyes of many

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No not like ever. If they announce border opening, or say 7 day quarantine for vaccinated only, the numbers will go up fast. Also if there is a second outbreak. But I don’t see 50% before there is a real incentive.

Taiwan did right in using most vaccines for first shot only - and waiting for the second. That way they get higher overall. But I bet in 2 months, if no new outbreak, no incentives - Taiwan will have plenty of vaccines on the shelf (I think 5 Mio doses are due to arrive alone in September)

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This is anecdotal. What you see is not the truth, it’s impossible for us individuals to know and ‘see’ the entire country. When vaccines are offered, they’re booked. They’re not going unbooked.

I can go to Buffalo right now, walk into a Walgreens and get a Moderna or Pfizer shot and be out in 15 minutes from the time I walk into a store. That’s what ‘Everyone who wants one can have one’ looks like. The same Walgreens has a booking system with ZERO filled slots for the next two weeks.

This is not the case in Taiwan.


What are you talking about mate? We’re now sweating over a Delta breach!


Don’t worry @afterspivak, @Marco’s here with his 0 guesses. I’m always right.


A few of us here could write PHD thesis on Taiwan’s vaccine supplies. There definitely is a lot of demand for vaccines

Since I forgot that Walgreens blocks foreign IPs,

Some examples. These are next day.

I feel Taiwan is doing the right thing on quarantine until ?% are vaccinated, though will affect my return 14 days hotel quarantine +7 home but I accept there reasoning.

My experience, Taiwanese are cautious on Covid vaccine and which types, friends tell me most are willing now so life goes back to normal.
Like all they miss their freedom.

Certainly won’t be any mass religious ceremonies and anti vax rallies to spread it about.

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This is accurate. Pfizer and Moderna doses are going begging here in the U.S. and the double vaxxed rate has hit a wall at around 60%. I’ll walk into a local Walgreens when I hit the eight month mark since my last Pfizer dose and get my third, booster dose.


You can generally walk in and get whichever vaccine is in stock.

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Most depressing post ever…

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It doesn’t exist to the same extent in the US, but it’s certainly a thing here. Especially amongst the deep locals that don’t have any intent on traveling abroad. Even some foreign friends that haven’t left Taiwan in 5 years+ are really into it.

I agree that without some incentive it’s going to be tough to move the needle past the 50% mark. Once everyone in healthcare, the military, aviation, critical infrastructure, and those that want to travel get vaccinated its going to slow down.

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Yup, everyone I know is only getting vaccinated because they want to travel