Where are Trump's Tax returns?

I’m funnier though.

A lot funnier.

He lies and he lies and he lies.

BBC News - Trump denies story he avoided paying taxes

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Hey, it’s not a contest. But count me as a BJ fan. You can troll with the best of us! :kissing_closed_eyes:


'The IRS treat me so badly ’ Donald J Trump :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


I’m guessing you get your definition of “lies” from the same dictionary you used for “independence.”

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I guess that means Pelosi is much better at business than Trump :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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The business of entrenched corrupt career politicians. I agree.


I agree

Can anybody say con man?

“The tax returns for Mr. Trump and hundreds of his businesses reveal the hollowness, but also the wizardry, of the self-made-billionaire image honed through ‘The Apprentice,’” the Times concluded. “They demonstrate that he was far more successful playing a business mogul than being one in real life.”


I have a feeling it won’t be the right that’s butthurt when the Supreme Court is stacked. The presidency pales in comparison.

You gotta understand, when you call wolf countless times, no one cares what you’re saying anymore.

Besides, who doesn’t cheat as much as possible on their taxes?

At least you didn’t put that lame sunglasses emoji next to your post this time. :roll_eyes:

Huh ?:sunglasses:

…And this little piggy goes wee wee all the way home. :grin::joy:


You love that emoji like a sired child.
I picked that up fast here.

Yeah, still not funnier. You owe the cow an apology.

Reading through the NYT article…it all comes off as a tabloid. Why did they spend so much time on the graphic design? Seems like polished propaganda BS to me.

They put so much time and effort into this article that is irrelevant to the simple news they are meant to share. They don’t need to weave in all this emotion and nonsense graphics and photography. And after alllll that…Not a single picture of an actual tax return…lol what a surprise.

Best of all, went to the comments sections and all the top comments as far as I can scroll are “Times Picked” comments. Ridiculous!

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They’re gonna use this in a campaign ad.

When their neck is sufficiently extended, well… we all know how these things go.


Sure, but also likely that the NYT article is a script for a “straight to Netflix documentary”. They even break down the article into nice little chapters - they are practically begging Netflix to make it (and it won’t matter if it’s debunked before it comes out).