Where can I find a machete?

I know they are out there, but before I begin a random search can someone point me to a shop they have seen them at?

There’s a hardware store down where I live that has them, usually. However, for your purposes, you’d probably be better off getting a billhook. Smaller, lighter and easier to use.

Try any 五金行 wu3jin1hang2 (hardware store); I’ve seen them at several.

Anything to keep Ironman from rejoining the club will do. :smiling_imp:

Thanks. And since I still need to go out there one night and take a water sample can you give me directions.

It’s rather complicated. Go along Roosevelt Rd till you get to the Xindian MRT station. Turn right immediately past the station. Turn left into the mini-nightmarket. Stop for a chickpea curry roti at Athula’s. No, better make that two. Continue along that street for 50 yards or so to the hardware store. Go back for another roti (and maybe one or two to take home). Go up the steps to the suspension bridge. If you then can’t find your way to the water, you certainly can’t be trusted running around in the bushes with a sharp heavy blade on the end of a stick! :wink:

Great. I’m going to get nabbed by the cops for walking around Bitan with a machete and a hypodermic needle. :laughing:

This item is a swift find. Simply pull aside any taxi on any street after 10:00 PM and kick the side panel. As the gentleman exits the taxi with all adornments in hand, simply compliment him on the quality of work. Ask him where he found such a fine blade. NO PROBLEM. They are all, absolutely every one, ready to sit down to tea and discuss the price and quality of these fine blades. Enjoy this rare cultural experience.


I’m looking for a machete to go hiking in places that are likely to be overgrown. Where can I buy one (and a case for it) in Taipei?

It doesn’t have to be a machete. A similar tool will work. I’m looking for something to whack through plants in overgrown areas.

Go down to the night market and start selling donuts or something without permission.
When the kid with the tattoos and the crappy teeth comes around at the end of the month, tell him to go fuck himself.

Your machete will appear soon, as if by magic…

ETA: Crap, I just read @Enigma’s post, he kind of beat me to it.

Beat you to it by 11 years. Outstanding Private Pyle.

You can buy a machete at one of those shops what sell everything. Corner of Hoping and Fuxing is one.

What you guys doing with machetes? Opening coconuts?

Still, I felt like mine had a smidge more…colour to it.

Anyways, 11 years, surely there’s a Statute of Limitations on these things.

I’ve looked in several “everything” stores but they don’t carry machetes. They carry something like a sickle but I need something to bushwhack through plants while hiking and that won’t do the job.

Machetes website of a Taipei company

Used to carry one for self defense in the ol country.

Now you know where to get one! :wink:

It is back in the ol country!

Here the weapon of choice is watermelon knife, baseball bat and golf pole.

Those really don’t do any good while hiking.

And here I was thinking it was the automobile. :sunglasses:

A goat then.

TBH I’d rather get a Shtil or Shindaiwa. There are very dangerous snakes in the mountains, the noise would scare them away.