Where can I find contact lenses with a + magnification?

This has been driving me insane! I use multifocal contact lenses with + prescription but they don’t have them in Taiwan!!! Unbelievable. The best I could find was a company in Hong Kong but it cost me like $5,000 NTD to get them here. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

As a former optician (in the US), you might want to reach out to the contact lens manufacturer or a major (not a hole in the wall) prescriber, such as 寶島眼鏡 (Formosa Optical); multifocals tend to be highly specific and not something your typical store would carry as even one of each prescription will take up an entire wall.

I even spoke to J&J here! They told me straight out, “We don’t sell plus(+) prescription contact lenses in Taiwan”. I am still in complete disbelief.

That’s a very shortsighted decision from them. :disguised_face: