Where can I find curly fries?

Simple in theory, but difficult in nature! Where in Taipei or New Taipei area can I find curly fries? My wife swears they taste different :joy:

Well, I couldn’t find any on the Chili’s menu, nor on the Diner’s, but they do seem to be on Hooters’ menu. The menu does say “Only at Hooters”, and they may be right about that.

So that is an interesting option to present to your wife.

OP can should become a regular at Hooters. If his wife ever finds out, then present her with some surprise curly fries!!

That’s the only reason why I was there, honey.

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Therein lies the most justifiable way to convince the wife to eat at Hooters. fantastic thoughts.

Is Hooters in Taiwan still?

On another note, can people buy frozen curly fries in the supermarkets/distributers here?

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The Hooters clientele demographic in Taipei is completely different from that in The US. There are plenty of women “doing lunch” there, and families with kids all the time. The kids even join in the Hula Hoop dancing with the girls.

They do curly fries and they are not bad at all. So if your wife wants to go there she will not be out of place, mine wants to go there a lot of the time because she is cheap and the happy hour is good, and they give you vouchers for the next time, so I am not going to whinge about it.

If you want to make them yourself you can buy a little cutter machine online and it is dead easy. The difference to conventional fries is you make a batter for them. A very light runny one, not the type used for fish etc. So beer, salt, pepper and flour but made slightly runny, dip quickly and deep fry. I think you could even do them in an air fryer but making sure you use baking paper to save on the mess.



That’s just cause the hooters outside are better in Taiwan, compared to north america haha :innocent:

Interesting to know that hooters is still in business and that curly fries are available. I had no idea! How about curly fries down south?