Where is this? {Pic Quiz: World}

The English aristocracy do tend to spend a lot of time on the throne.


And I don’t want to imagine what is coming during those precious moments.

Angel falls?

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That would be an awesome place to have a house nearby, but I doubt there are any roads or houses anywhere near those falls.

But you are somehow on the right track.

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Iguazu Falls?

No, but thanks for pointing me to those falls, they look awesome.

The Wallonian warrior was closer, geographically and topographically


Active Caldera

(Edit: I guess thats wrong, didnt see your previous post)

I actually posted an image of Aogashima very early in this thread.


Your first guess was quite good, btw.

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You’ll have another shot at it. No one will get it with the next guess.

Civil forfeiture.

If this isn’t what you meant, I’m guessing a Vulcano.

Lago Atitlan?

That guy on the bike is not going to do a dance on a volcano anytime soon, based on his location


The Belgian bellybutton was closest.

Hint: the place is not as wet as you guys may think it is.

Is it in east asia?

Not in Asia, Africa, or Europe

Did I say it’s an awesome place? One of a kind.

Machu Picchu?

Rock city?

The Atacama

Is that in the US? Nope

OK, it’s in South America, but not THAT well known