Where is this? {Pic Quiz: World}

Here is an ariel view of the @shiadoa’s estate on which the stones be found. They are at the cross roads on the extreme left.

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No, unfortunatelemente, and this makes me think that you missed the Charlie Chaplin link

Gave up around Waterville , if that is what you mean ////sometimes you know when to just geav up :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Well, I found the location. The name given on the map for that road is Kilrelig (also spelled Cill Rialaig) Artist Retreat Village, not far from Ballinskelligs. Looks like that place is called Boolakeel House, which is what it says on the sign.

You named the spot. It looks good to me. (I found it by following your instructions.)

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Man, that was nearly impossible. There seem to no actual photos of those rocks in existence.

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Yeah, I was hoping they were at least semi-famous, but them rocks was obscure (wonder what the correct Latin would be for “unknown rocks”–saxa incognita?).

Yup , I don’t geavup easily and I was in the right area of the right country , from the start . But in the end if I post cat pictures ,something is a swine to find :smirk:

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I’m gonna go get a sandwich/sandwiches or some form of geedunk, or something.

I will just post this quickie…easy 30 second one …Street name
bonus if you can name the boots maker…I remembered them well when my credit Card bill came :disappointed_relieved:

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Champs Elysées?

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And the Boots…the Boots man …before I allocate your ski lift

Jimmy Choo?

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Ahhhh , You are with a Taiwanese Woman , I note :rofl:

Just hope you got laid that night. :grin:

How dare you , twas my long term partner. Well 5 years.

Hope you fell asleep in front of the TV together?

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Looking for the name and location of this statue:


I feel like I am on the Antiques Roadshow. Hmmmm…Looks like Cuba/South America BUT also a little Abe Lincoln style, late 19th Century clothing.
Not enough for a guess because I need to sleep…good luck guys.

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Hint: the name of the city is related to a famous restaurant chain in Taiwan.