Where is this? {Picture Quiz: Taiwan}

Bingo - It’s Wutai township, Pingdong, the first from the old village and the second picture from the new village.
Did you recognise something?

The second pic came up on an old blog post, that’s a pretty snazzy outfit!

Ok, I’m gonna go to bed, if someone else wants to post a picture, go for it! Otherwise I’ll stick something up in the morning.


Wai for the win! :cookie:

Nice to see the whole peanut gallery showed up. :smile:

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You gotta win to post. Them’s the rules.

This one looks like 北角吊橋.

Yeah but then I saw everybody using Google search it seems weird to say you win by Google search . And I did ask or at least wait for the waiver, I know the rules.

You don’t need to use Google search for the images directly. My earlier post you could guess by the fact that it’s rukai dress and the snakes and the papaya trees etc…Anyway…It means next time I have to run it thru Google image search first.

You are correct, neiwan area , nice little cafe at the end :).

Who is next for number 90?

Welcome to the High Fly, Eat Pie Club!
10 :pie: s and we move one up to the :cake: level…

Oh, and ya’ll, please don’t post images when it’s not your turn, it clutters up the thread unnecessarily, hence the rules. Dank you!

Dr_Milker: :pie: :pie: :pie:
Hannes: :pie:
geajvop: :pie:
tando: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:
WindyTown: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:
tempogain: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:
Wai: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:
the_bear: :cookie: :cookie:
ma3xiu1: :cookie:

@Dr_Milker, you can give me a piece of :pie: . Too much is not good for your health.

I’m sensing an anomaly in this count

Wrong cookie count?

For the Milkman?

One pie too many?

Has he really got so much cookies? Perhaps I have just not been paying close enough attention.

The way the counting goes is ten cookies, then switching to pies, one correct answer gets you one pie from that point on. I counted two correct answers for the lacto doctor after he got his first pie.

I get the feeling I start spending way too much time on this… :slight_smile:

That’s unintuitive way to count!

Yeah one might expect :pie: :cookie: :cookie:! But as long as the rules are clear…

I was seeing too many cookies… Made me nauseous…

Let’s think of Pies as Level II