Where is this? {Picture Quiz: Taiwan}

Close…gaoliang distillery.

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"The Chiayi Brewery … was the oldest kaoliang brewery in Taiwan. It was famed as “the home of white wine”.

Not exactly Chianti…

No image right now…

Whoever wants to step, in please

I’ll try. Give me 4 minutes.

Go Pauli, go Pauli!

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Wine, liquor… whatever… hicks…

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No. 124
Cropped for Hardmode.
(But I guess the Dr. solves it faster than I can say Chimichanga)

Glass temple in Changhua

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Correct! Next time I need to crop it more like this:

I had no idea, ha.

Still no image, I go to bed now, my mission is done for today. :slight_smile:

Then I’ll throw a bonus round for double points

One glass of milk would be fine.


Xitou Monster Village?


Xitou Nature Education Area? Anyway, it should be the canopy skywalk in Xitou.

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Never been there. It looks cool.

It is. Just too much Monkeys. Gotta keep your belongings safe.