Where is this? What is this? Who is this? etc. (Pic Quiz: World)

Me too, I thought it was a flag or something

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Wow, that was fast, lol. :camera:

Oh, and good work!

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Damn , I was on to that but thought the buttons may be a light of some sort

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You certainly are . :thinking:

Thanks. I’ve seen a couple of Enigma movies, so the basic design was kind of in my head.

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Interesting bit of trivia - or missinformation - the allies only broke the enigma code because the nazis didnt activate one of the layers of encrption in the machine, by mistake.

and then, sad but true, the man who broke the code was arrested for being homosexual and committed suicide as a result. :man_facepalming:


Good movie about it with Benedict Cumberbatch.

The Imitation Game https://g.co/kgs/UMyrke

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I was under the impressions that 3 Polish mathematicians , originally broke part of the code. Poland is still a bit cheesed off at the lack of recognition.

Man Poland took it from every possible direction in that war. Fack
The most prolific murderer in history - for direct murders - is a Russian who worked 24 / 7 shooting poles into the back of the head . And thats before the war started.

I also read that one of their guerrilla groups (whose motto [holy smokes!] was reportedly “As long as there’s death there’s hope”) ambushed a German convoy and captured one of the machines.

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Looking for the name of this place, where it’s located and what happened here.

wounded knee massacre

Uh-oh. Looking for three things. Somebody gets a chance to steal.

no they dont

its the wounded knee massacre site,

located at wounded knee

and the wounded knee massacre happened there

Yes. Ten minute rule. If you’re lucky, nobody will show up in time. :grin:


Just six minutes to go. :hushed:

I have answered all the questions all three

I have to say this is an affront to my native american four fathers

Need to do it in a single post.

What? There’s only four of them?!?