Where is this? What is this? Who is this? etc. (Pic Quiz: World)

I think she’s only 1/1024 Indian anyway. :grin:

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More likely misdirection. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Ah, right. That was my idea, ha ha.

Would it be rude to call you an obscene name Milker ? :smirk::kissing_heart:

No, as long as you don’t smirk while you say it. :wink:

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Note I don’t use the @ Milker , as it requires finger contortions, capital M and underscores and such .

Don’t worry. The bovine likes dirty talk :wink:

I suffer from Bovinaphobia…that may be wrong spelling but…


what does this commemorate?


andit int evn google proof so dont complain

(correct answers only)

Generosity to the Irish , during the famine .

yes but by whom?


Kindred Spirits commemorates the 1847 donation by the Native American Choctaw People to Irish famine relief during the Great Hunger

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Well the Doctors answer is correct , but the actual question did not specify whom was required, so I just put what it commemorated, . Leave it up to you guys,

No contesting from me. I’m just in this one for fun.

I was super clear that I was looking for what it commemorates

and you got there first

@Dr_Milker’s was more eloquent though so you are going to need to brush up on your prose and your charity too, English, sheesh!

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But… but … he is an American :scream:

I gotta stop goofing around with Wikipedia quotations. Y’all had posted, eaten a snack, watched some TV, and had finished disputing about who gets the point, all while I was fooling with the quote function.

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