Where is this? What is this? Who is this? etc. (Pic Quiz: World)

Someone woke from hibearnation…

:steam_locomotive: :steam_locomotive: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ :man_firefighter:DR_MILKER (:1st_place_medal: :1st_place_medal: :two::two::three:)
:soccer: :soccer: :soccer: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ RICKROLL (:3rd_place_medal: :six::seven:)
:soccer: :soccer: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ SHIADOA (:six::one:)
:tv: :tv: :tv: :tv: __ __ __ __ __ __ :fire: GEAJVOP (:2nd_place_medal: :nine::three:)
:camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: __ :de: HANNES (:2nd_place_medal: :seven::zero:)
:camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: __ __ __ BOJACK (:seven:)
:camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: __ __ __ __ CHARLIE_JACK (:two::six:)
:camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: :camera: __ __ __ __ THE BEAR (:one::four:)
:camera: :camera: :camera: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ROOFTOPCLOWN (:three:)
:camera: :camera: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ MICK (:three:)

Players of previous rounds who have yet to make a correct guess
INCUBUS (:3rd_place_medal: :three::four:) TANDO (:five::five:) TEMPOGAIN (:three::four:)
HANSIOUX (:two::eight:) MA3XIU1 (:one::nine:) CHARLIE PHILIPS (:one::four:) FEI-FAN (:one::four:)
WINDY TOWN (:one::three:) FUMAROLE (:one::one:) WAI (:six: ) TANGO42 (:three:)
ZEPTO (:three:) GAIN (:two:) GRUEN (:two:) HEYHO (:two:) LIAM_OG (:two:) SHAOLEFEN (:two:) BRIANJONES (:one:) GABOMAN (:one:) OWNLEYES (:one:)

I only knew it cos I used to be his paper boy.

And I had to search who he was…

Man, you old.

Can’t help but imagining a bare-ass bear being spanked by an eccentric novelist…

Spanked with a folded newspaper.

yes but he always gave me a gob stopper at the end of it :no_mouth:

Was that you?

OK, next from the archives. name of the town closest to my legs in this pic:


It is not.

Kangding Shi, Ganzi Zangzuzizhizhou, Sichuan Sheng, China

No. I know you got that from some sort of search but not correct.

Closer than Pokhara.

Looks like some Mongolian Khan grave or sth

Not Mongolian.

I typed the only address I could find nearby.
Would you accept if I tell you the name of near temple?


There’s a town right there. Look on a map.


Tagong in Chinese but OK.

Larung Gar?