Where to buy Hagelslag, Dutch Chocolate Sprinkles?

Hi everyone!

Just wondering if anyone knows where in Taipei (or an online store even) where I could purchase Dutch chocolate sprinkles? Maybe a Dutch import store? I have been searching for quite awhile with no success. I am looking for something like this : https://www.amazon.com/Deruyter-Chocoadehagel-Chocolate-Sprinkles-14-Ounces/dp/B001BBUA3Y


Does it need to be Dutch-brand? Indonesian-brand Ceres choco sprinklers could be found in one of many Indonesian store called EEC-Index.
One of the branch is in Taipei Main Station UG near exit Y4.
Just ask for “meses”

Hey, thanks a bunch, that’s exactly what I’m looking for! I’ll check it out in the next few days!