Where to buy Taiwan flag face masks?

I’ve seen a few people sporting Taiwan flag face masks. They seem cool. Where can I buy them?

Lmao. I know right? I have found (not flag) taiwan-themed masks at the pharmacy. Check there!

Carrefour carries them near the entrance. At least in my city, the Carrefour has them, try calling there or just going and asking :+1: :taiwan:



Saw them at neihu rt 2 months back
I use a blue 3m heavy washable one and i just took a taiwan patch and :thread: sewed it on. Custom made haha

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Almost a year old … 3m quality haha


Found in Ximen 小三美日。

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I imagine Shopee has them. I’m about to put in an order for these sweet mahjong masks

Edit: Shopee has them. Search 臺灣國旗口罩

To add insukt to injury if we play the china mask.game, where can we buy masks with the other taiwan flag?

Or even.better


I love supporting.taiwan, but somehow it always seems slightly annoying flying a chinese nationalist partys flag that actually calls itself chinese…:frowning: dpp needs to bring.forth a better flag, without green in it…