Where's Leech-o?

After a long hike along Bijia Shan on Sunday I removed my gators only to discover I had picked up more than a few friends. See how many you can spot.

I spotted 11, and am thoroughly disgusted now!

I too am familiar with leeches in Taiwan from my own hiking experiences. I keep salt and/or a lighter with me on my excursions now. Yuck.

Well, my first thread on fun & games and this is the response I get? Thanks mer, but where the hell are the rest of the funster? Did Irishstu go on vacation? :fume: :fume: :fume:

Looks like a couple of the fatter ones might have had a bit of a Mucha Man buffet.

A few years back, while out hiking all day, a leech snuck up my leg and gorged while connected to my (gulp) inner thigh. I didn’t notice until I got home and into the shower and was thoroughly horrified. That bastard was as big as my little finger. I put it on the balcony in a cup and assumed a hungry bird got a nice treat in the morning. Juicy worm with liquid center.

Indeed, my ankles had a couple bites that bleed cupfuls into my socks.

I think comedy is as elitist as anything else.

My response: Leeches you swine. I had them all cured out of my mind 5 YRS after watching ‘Stand by me,’ and you introduce them again! ASSSSSSS. No, not leeches on my ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.

I only spot 8.

You have me beat: I only had 5 on me! The dreaded Formosan Sock-Piercing Vampire Leech!

Me no likey…

[quote=“Chris”]I only spot 8.

You have me beat: I only had 5 on me! The dreaded Formosan Sock-Piercing Vampire Leech!

Me no likey…[/quote]

I count 11 like Mer. You missed the one over there, there, and just there. But that is only one gator. I had another 10 on the second.

mike, sorry, but I have to work with the material in my life.

Hey, I just found two more.

And there’s something else, but it looks like stitching.

That’s probably the last one if it goes left right near the bottom. My god some of those suckers are bloated.

“Suckers” is right!

“Suckers” is right![/quote]

Still, not as big a leech as the person who found my wallet and did not turn it in. Sigh. What a hassle now to reapply for everything.