After the Richart/Taishin/JKO thing, I’m intending to make a follow-up complaint to the MOI and probably the FSC about those digital banks that don’t provide services to foreigners at all, based on something the MOI previously wrote about the provision of limited services not constituting discrimination.
Actually, come to think of it now, if I can be bothered I might complain to the banks themselves first as well and ask if they have any timeline for providing a fair and non-discriminatory service.
With this in mind, I want a list of digital/online/app-based banks in Taiwan that currently exclude foreigners. This is what I’ve come across so far:
Bankee (Far Eastern International Bank)
Policy given here:
Q01. 申請資格?
- Bankee 數位存款帳戶:僅受理持有中華民國國籍之成年自然人且未受監護與受輔助宣告者申請。
- Bankee 信用卡:僅受理成年自然人持中華民國身分證者申請。
Entering an ARC number gives the following error message:
KOKO Bank (Cathay United)
Previously complained about by @comfy123 back in August 2022, but it looks like this has been merged into Cube and doesn’t exist anymore?
Policy given here:
在 LINE Bank 開立帳戶需要具備什麼資格?
LINE Bank 目前開放年满 18 歳以上,且不具境外税務居民身份之本国自然人申請開戸我是外籍人士,可以開 LINE Bank 帳戶嗎?
目前 LINE Bank 僅開放年漏 18 歳以上之本國自然人游理開戸,暂不接受法人、外園人、未成年人及具有境外纳税義務人身份者 静理開户。
Next Bank
Policy given here:
如何開立NEXT BANK帳戶?
須為法定成年人並領有中華民國國民身分證之本國自然人,憑身分證和第二身分證件(駕照、健保卡和中華民國護照)及他行臨櫃開立的一般帳戶,即可使用將來銀行 APP 進行開戶。外籍人士可以申請 NEXT BANK 帳戶嗎?
(Comical side note: Someone working there had the bright idea of including the hashtag #外國人, but the only thing it links to is the FAQ page saying foreigners aren’t welcome. )
New New Bank (Union Bank)
Policy given here:
1.誰可以申請New New Bank?未成年/外國人/獨資法人可以申請嗎?
只要您符合以下兩點資格,就可以申辦New New Bank哦!
(2)非本行既有存戶。3.申請New New Bank帳戶需要準備什麼文件?
OMNI-U (Shin Kong Commercial Bank)
Policy given here:
And also here (a bit too cheerfully if you ask me – if you’re gonna be xenophobic, at least take it seriously):
Policy given here:
熱門 - Q4. 開立樂天國際銀行帳戶需要具備什麼資格?
目前線上開戶只開放本國人且滿18歲以上之自然人辦理,暫不接受法人、外國人及未成年人開戶。開戶與帳戶 - Q2. 外國人可以開樂天國際銀行帳戶嗎?
A bit odd, given that Rakuten apparently accepts credit card applications from foreigners (here and here).
That’s all of them I know – is that it, or does anyone know of any more?