Which fruit can I eat all in one go?

Its hairy and irritating. Never knew people ate it before.

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You can wash off the hair as easy as dirt off a potato

Fair enough. Guess the skin is pretty thin. Never tried it before :smiley:

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Star fruit and wax apple.


They belong in salads. People who pretend they are perfectly fine to eat on their own and eat them as if they were strawberry’s ain’t fooling me.


If you can just throw away the core, but in small amounts I am not worried.

I never knew the pits were poisonous. Good to know.

Bard said:
Eating a few apple seeds? No sweat. They’re not poisonous in small amounts.

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It’s also interesting that the article says that “eating or drinking large quantities of ground or crushed seeds could be fatal.” Sounds like a concoction that a jilted lover might try to serve to an estranged ex…

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And if you swallow them you can get pregnant.


Don’t you dare

Technically both seeds are toxic

I do, on the regular. Cherry tomatoes are delicious! They are far more flavorful than say wax apples or Guava. Which many dip in flavor enhancer powders due to their blandness lol.

Edit, they dip the tomatoes too haha :grimacing:


Broken seeds being the key point. The seed coats are strong and our digestive system / chewing apparatus are not like mice. We normally pass seeds, and they go on to germinate. Swallow some whole corn and check the toilet the next day.

Even castor seeds are harmless so long as they aren’t broken. Pass right through. My family tells me stories of when they were young and playing cooking game with castor seeds and eating them. I was for real shocked. But seed coats hold up if not broken.


So disappointed nobody else went for Kumquats. The inlaws have a tree in their yard it’s like a snack made in heaven and one tree could have dozens of fruits. Jam packed with Vit C and fibre. If you are looking for the next super fruit it’s a Kumquat.


Thought of kumquat yesterday, but thought someone already mentioned it. Upon reading again, the post was about kam-á-bi̍t (never heard of it before)…

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Persimmon is easy enough to eat and delicious when perfectly ripe.

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Yeah that’s a good one but you have to get it at exactly the right time.

Mandarin is pretty good too. You can just swallow the seed, or get some seedless ones.

Or just have a banana. It’s the cheapest fruit.

Yes but who eats the skin? Ditto banana. How many times I’m looking for somewhere without cameras to throw my banana skins, you know how stressful that is for a foreigner ?

I’m looking for the perfect eat it it’s all gone fruit, no fuss, no mess.

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You can keep the skin as deodorant or something.

Then I suggest you buy some CUT fruits.

You can keep the skin as deodorant or something.

Or body decoration?

Buying prepared fruits is cheating. Besides you still have the plastic container to deal with.