[quote]Chechen Terrorists to be Buried in Pigskin
According to the Moskovski Komsomol newspaper, Russian security forces have decided to bury the terrorists from last’s week’s hostage siege wrapped in pig’s skin. The aim is to deter potential Islamic terrorists from future attacks.
Shahidi (Jihad martyrs) believe by their nefarious acts that they ascend immediately to heaven. Using their beliefs against them, wrapping their corpses in ‘unclean’ pigskin prevents them from entering heaven for eternity. [/quote]
Is it possible that human rights groups would start arguing that an Islamic terrorist has a right to go to his/her heaven? :? And is this as effective a deterrent as it sounds…? Thoughts anyone?
I remember reading some pulp “oriental intrigue” kinda novel a while back - I think it was Shibumi - and the guy made some muslim attackers finally talk by killing one of their comrades and putting his body in a pit with pig carcasses. The remaining bad guys were very happy to spill their guts, because their captor promised to kill them quickly and put them in a pigless pit. Of course, that was just a bad novel. Frankly, I think it’s a great idea.
We have to remember that burial is for the family not the corpse. I’d say that any family has the right to dispose of the body of their loved one (no matter how nefarious) in the customary manner. So, while we might like this method (pigskin burial) as it provides some sort of satisfying revenge against terrorism, in the end it will solve nothing, incite further muslim hatred of the west, and degrade us in the process.
I disagree. It is not a question of revenge. If you are an atheist, then the ultimate revenge has already been taken. If you believe in God, unless you are a radical muslim terrorist yourself you surely will not think that people slaughtering innocents are being cheated out of their date with the virgins.
It is a practical matter. These people are emboldened by the belief that they will be getting a free ticket to paradise. I don’t know if the above story is true or not but if it is, do it. If their families think that these people should be getting a trip to heaven after their crimes, then you can wrap them in pigskin too for all i care. If the moslem world is going to produce terrorists to bomb me and my family, then i am not entirly disposed to excess regard of their feelings in the matter. personally, if it would keep them out of heaven i would piss on their corpses on cnn and damn all who thought what about it.
Yes. Please. Escalate with all haste. Don’t hold anything back. Let loose the full wrath of the Judeo-Christian dogs of war on those Muslim terrorists and their holy places.
Incinerate them, assassinate them, collectively punish them. Bury their entire civilization in pigskin.
And you, whose entire capital city was held hostage for weeks on end by two homeless black men and a rifle, will in turn have your cities incinerated and plagues let loose on your citizens and there’s nothing you can do to stop them once the escalation starts in earnest.
And me, I’ve got my popcorn ready. I’ve got my perch on high out of harm’s way, waiting for the entertainment to get started.
And when the ashes of both your houses have cooled and the bones of both your armies of the righteous lay bleaching in the sun, I’ll stroll casually down to the plains of Armageddon and piss a pox on both your memories.
In order to maintain the exacting intellectual standards thus far espoused in this thread I offer this:
[quote]Kill Americans
Kill all the flag waving red blooded young Yankee boys
String their torsos up and use their dicks as toys
Nuke every U.S. city, blow them to the sky
Every single fucking Yank deserves to fucking die
Then get all the mothers and every apple pie
And gun them down with M-16s aimed at their eyes
Round up every U.S. citizen, all except the Jews
Take that lot to Israel and wipe that lot out too
And then get all the Vietnamese that were napalmed to death
And everyone from El Salvador and Cuba and Chile and the rest
Any say “Look, the Yanks are gone, the world is once again free
No more napalm, no more C.I.A., no more Wounded Knee”
And when they are all celebrating, nuke the fucking lot
And there’ll be lots of jellied gasoline in every baby’s cot
And then load an M-16, give it plenty of feeling
Put it to your temple, blow your brains onto the ceiling [/quote]
Firstly, if putting their boddies in pigskins solves the problem of the bastard terrorists, yes do it. But to put all muslems in the same catagory as those cunts is going to far. Have you ever seen what the bastard Israli army does in the occupeid teretories? They are still ileagally in those teretories remember that! What breeds terrorism, that is what must be counterd. And yes there are problems with the muslem religion, just like there are problems with every religion on earth! There are radicals in all religions, although the majority are muslims. Hate fosters more hate. Uplift people, and make life worth living and you will solve a big part of terrorism. But the problem of selffish brattish rich kids trying to force there version of what the world should be onto the rest of us will remain, like crap eaters like Osamma, and pooor misguided Walker (who should be treated like a prisoner of war). If life ain’t hard enough for some they want to make it hard on every body els.
Getting OT, but I don’t think that’s fair. I always thought you guys were encouraging us non-native English speakers to post here?
Just because his name sounds English to you doesn’t mean English is his mother tongue (how come I never got snitches at my English or my name?). If you haven’t figured out yet, Chad is an Afrikaans speaker.
[quote=“Iris”]Getting OT, but I don’t think that’s fair. I always thought you guys were encouraging us non-native English speakers to post here?
Just because his name sounds English to you doesn’t mean English is his mother tongue (how come I never got snitches at my English or my name?). If you haven’t figured out yet, Chad is an Afrikaans speaker.
Is there a spell-checking feature on Segue?
Iris :?[/quote]
At the very least reading the thread bought some sunshine to my day. I smiled and then smiled again I think it made it very difficult to follow the point of the post as the mis-spellings were very distracting. :?
However, you are right that non-native English speakers should feel welcome to post here. But please understand that not everyone here is an English Teacher and may react differently. :shock:
How do you know that Chad is an Afrikaans speaker. :?:
Chad, are you an Afrikaans speaker? :?:
And are you an English Teacher? :?:
How do you know that Chad is an Afrikaans speaker. :?:
Chad, are you an Afrikaans speaker? :?:
And are you an English Teacher? :?:[/quote]
Probably an English Teacher. I asked a South African here how many English speaking S.A guys he has met here that are English teachers and he replied “hardly any”. They are mostly all Afrikaans speakers.