White water kayaking beginners course

I live in Taipei and head out white water kayaking most weekends. I have a few friends interested in learning to kayak and so I am thinking I will run a beginners course in Pinglin (30min from Taipei) for anyone who is keen.

Course will focus on paddle stokes, white water safety and eskimo roll, gear hire and instruction provided.

Limited to 8 spaces.

You can contact me on benbudd861@yahoo.co.nz

or phone 0975797910

Interested, tho’ not free until early 2011.
When you thinking of running it and how long - a day, a weekend, over several weekends?
Price $$$ ?

I am also interested in this. Can you give an idea of prices and also your qualifications to lead this? Thanks.

Hi, Im interested, same question’s as the others, espcially when will you run it-i work every other saturday.

yeah i’d love to try it. No extra questions

Hi All,

I was originally thinking about Dec Sat 11th (anyone keen?) but maybe Jan (8th or 15th) will work better as I am off on the 18th snowboarding in Japan. Let me know what dates work for you, may end up doing both Dec & Jan.

As for qualifications I have river safety and river rescue certificates through White Water NZ. rivers.org.nz/

This will be a day long course, as an introductory course it will be flat water based, with an option to run a grade 2 rapid.

Price 1800nt includes all gear and 1-4 instructor ratio.

Some pics from Pinglin facebook.com/album.php?aid=2 … cf1c154aa5

Here is a vid of some friends and me paddling back in NZ


(we will not be doing anything like this)

January is good for me, Please PM me when you’ve confirmed a date, as much notice as possible is good.

Also interested in January, on Wednesdays or weekends. Fridays - i.e. 7th and 14th - are out for me, unfortunately. After the 14th is my winter vacation, and since I’m stuck in Taiwan this winter, I’ll have tons of free time.

Make that VERY interested. This is something I’ve been wanting to try for a long time.

i just noticed 7th & 14th are Fridays, I have a mon-fri type job, any chance of a weekend? If not no biggie, i’ll be due a holiday after working for a full 5 days before hand

Hey guys my apologies have changed dates it was meant to read 8th & 15th. What would be better?

Sign me up for the eighth, please. I’ve done quite a bit of flat water kayaking, both here and back home, but have never seriously given white-water a go.
I’ve got all the gear except the yak, will I get a discount? :slight_smile:

dbl post please dele

i’m easy and will go with the majority

Hey, I can’t do wednesday’s, I teach mon-fri. I could do Dec. 11th, or Jan. the 8th-are those still on?

so is the 11th out?

No, its just there seems more interest in the Jan dates.

If you would prefer the 11th I can try and organize a group. Your definitely in?

So let me know if your keen on the 11th guys (we will still be doing the Jan dates)

Cheers guys

Ben, that’s great about January dates. If you are going to do something on the 11th, than I am in-this happens to be a saturday I have off, and would love some adrenaline! Just to be clear, I am fairly active, but I am definitely a beginner in all senses-will this be too advanced for me? I do have upper body strength, and plenty of experience on the water-canoeing and kayaking, but nothing in whitewater.
be honest if should take part, but I am game to become more of an expert if I can. thanks

Hi Emilys

I am not sure if water levels are high enough for paddling this Saturday.

Will keep in touch.



ok, good to know. looking forward to when we do go.
thanks, em

is there an update on this?