Who is this "Dr" Hedy Lee?

its only free speech if it fits the agenda, chinese people double standard logic.

Dr. Hedy Lee is defaming my character on FB. Wonder what I could do about her calling me a trash foreigner? Sure sounds like racism to me. Post was yesterday 10/7 at 4:04 am. I haven’t figured out how to share the FB post.

That’s not what “free speech” means.

Screenshot first of all to preserve evidence.

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I would flag her post to Facebook under their harassment guidelines, and I wouldn’t engage her further. You have nothing to gain from it, and crazy people are dangerous and unpredictable. Antagonizing a crazy person once was one of the worst mistakes of my life. The dude sent defaming letters to my employer, creepy Facebook messages to my mom, etc. Just stay away.


For cryin out loud, how many times do I need to apologize for that?
I was drunk, OK??


Wouldn’t it be golden to have a public apology from her for her racist comments? hahaha. :thinking:


Her ego wouldn’t allow that. More likely, she then might carry even more of a grudge and make it her personal mission to destroy your life.

I imagine that she’d have a hard time doing that even in the court of public opinion. My life is quite boring with all that work and stuff.

Tbh, I don’t know. All I’m saying is if I were in your shoes I wouldn’t engage with her. There’s little to be gained, and a fair amount to lose.


You’re right. Granted my knowledge of definitions of defamation/libel/slander and public insultment are pretty cursory.
My perception is that suing over this stuff is common in Taiwan and therefore people keep their opinions to themselves which has the effect of curbing speech.

I could be wrong, god knows I often am.

Screenshot it , keep that golden nugget.

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I’d be tempted to go to the cop shop, the district one for your area and insist in filing a criminal complaint. Better if you have a local to go with you to ensure you don’t get blown off.

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Yeah you can file a complaint against her if she has slandered you publically (referring to you as a trash foreigner is definitely slander), it’s a routine thing here.


I’ve blocked her and am going to move on unless I have to fight back. I don’t really believe in the stupid system of going to the police station if someone says something you don’t like. However, if it turns threatening, I may have no other choice but to defend myself.


I agree it’s a dumb system but I have always enjoyed using the same system against people that have no quams on using it against others.
Taste of your own medicine and all that


does she have a boyfriend? is she on Tinder?


You can ask her on FB. I’m sure she’ll be receptive to your advances.


I’d be happy to call her something nasty back. My lawyers are better than hers. I feel like someone needs to give her a dose of reality.


When sonething bad happens, I always take inventory of all the good things and remember to pay more attention to others. I noticed many good things today. It would be funny if she comes after me as I’d love to share more about the ways foreigners contribute to Taiwanese society. Even ones who screw up are no different than locals who screw up. If the pay their debt to society, we need to forgive and move on.