Why America Hasn't Responded to the attack

Don’t they need like 97% purity in uranium for weapons grade?

Last I know they were in the 60-70%.

That’s a ways off. If Iran ever gets nukes, the Saudi’s, I hear, will just buy a few from Pakistan or North Korea, maybe even India.

I’ve always felt the Iran nuke stuff was a red herring. :woman_shrugging:

Because puppets like Biden need time for their buddies (on both sides) to buy the right stocks before military moves. He can barely read teleprompter scripts, he just needs more time.

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Do you want to place a bet on this? I reckon within three years if Israel is sufficiently distracted.

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That Iran gets a nuke or spins nuclear grade material on its own?

I think Biden is a racist. That said, race probably has no part in the current calculation. Is Biden even in the decision-making loop? Hard to say. Sullivan will probably make the decision in consultation with Pentagon brass, and then tell Biden to sign off on it. Sounds like they’re planning a series of hits on Iran proxies, or maybe they’ll sink a few of those frigates.


Are you offering me odds?

Seriously, without Israel taking out their facilities I think Iran can knock up its own nuclear bomb pretty quickly. How far it can send it is another matter.

EDIT: The French will no doubt fix any damage

And then Iran will respond to not lose face and you’ve got a new quagmire like Afghanistan and Iraq. I think Biden is trying to avoid a new war and will pick a few selected precision targets that Iran won’t be able to do anything about

Quagmires only occur when you try to occupy the country. The US should not be in the business of nation building (especially after Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Vietnam, etc, etc). The goal is not regime change, but deterrence. However, if Iran is stupid enough to respond with even more force… well, then we might change their regime from the air with some decapitation strikes. Their disgruntled population will mop up whatever weakened, leaderless dregs are left. But no, the US (and Israel) should definitely NOT occupy Iran.

That’s what the USA does best throughout history is occupations. It’s good for (third party) business and there’s no reason to believe they wouldn’t do it again.

You can bet Iran won’t sit by and watch ships get sunk. Targeted strikes will make them get pissed but unable to justify a response. And disgruntled population tends to support the government when they see their home getting attacked. Similar to when an abusive boyfriend hits his girlfriend, the third party intervenes, and next thing she’s hitting the white knight. In summary things need to be deescalated

Really? Last time that happened they really backed down and now resort to proxies.

Well yes because of the small issue of nukes, makes for a different chain of events. I still suspect that when Russia really starts losing, they will put that on the table.

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