Why are Taiwan's faults always covered up by expats and the press?

I checked the list. Most countries in Europe have better air quality as do Canada and the US. The west is not only Europe.

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so I said many, you know? And my point is still stands at least on Europe.

who cares about Taiwan’s air quality when they have comparable problems

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How about immigration and how about soil and water pollution?

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do you think they care about Taiwan’s immigration issues?



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I don’t know these data are comparable. Maybe you have better data?

From https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/figures/soil-contamination-by-heavy-metals

From https://sgw.epa.gov.tw/public/prevent/07

It’s interesting to see that Taiwan is a different experience for everyone.

I’m comfortable in Taiwan, but my experience is probably very different than most people here. It’s easy for me to navigate because I speak Chinese and have citizenship.

Although I don’t fit in 100% having been educated in the US since I was young. And having family in Taiwan is a different experience, they help me a lot with how things are done in Taiwan. Even things like where to eat, you really need to know this in the long run and it’s not immediately discernible which place is good and bad.

I like living in Taiwan. The only thing keeping me away is my job prospects for me and my fiancée tbh. And perhaps I get a little to comfortable in Taiwan living with my family in a nice house without too much concern for financial obligations or goals.

I would like to make my own path. And return again and maybe run some business there or work remotely.


Is a pretty mix bag. I would say much better on most environmental issues overall as a whole. But immigration and job prospects are a mess in many parts of Europe unless you cherry pick the developed cities and countries in Europe.

As for environmental, I think there’s only like 5 out of 30ish European countries that have a higher GDP, so probably a reason why they have better air pollution for example.

Europe is overall more beautiful and esthetically pleasing. A major reason why I want to stay a while and explore.

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as for air quality, do you think Taiwan’s air quality is news worthy to the west?

1 Bangladesh
2 Pakistan
3 India
4 Mongolia
5 Afghanistan
9 Indonesia
14 China
21 Vietnam
34 Thailand
36 Cambodia
41 South Korea
58 Malaysia
60 Hong Kong SAR
62 Taiwan
70 Philippines

The same thing might be able to be said on soil and water too.

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How about it? Taiwan doesn’t have a large problem of an influx on unwanted immigration lots of other countries do. And it seems relatively easy for many who want to go there to try to work to do so - it seems like many can get there with a work permit in months. Is my impression of this that far off?

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What’s your point about Europe ?

The vast majority of Europe has far superior air quality than Taiwan. I mean they aren’t even in the same ball park.

And as a western European I’ve never been to Eastern Europe and the only place I ever encountered significant bad air quality was in Milan .

Whereas in Taiwan and In East Asia it routinely covers whole countries and most of the continent. Red and Purple AQI is rare in Europe and common in Asia…


The European Union is responsible for issuing clean air and water directives and helping clean up the environment.

For example, when I was a kid we burned coal in the capital city to heat our homes. It was banned in the 80s by European pollution directives, my country had to align with European policies and overnight the air cleared up and we never experienced a single smog after that. It was that dramatic !

The other reason is that Europe is largely post industrialised now.

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Air quality of many countries in Europe is comparable to or worse than Taiwan. And Taiwan’s air quality isn’t news worthy to the west.

and, it sounds you don’t much care about air quality of Eastern Europe. How come they care about air quality of Taiwan which is a small country with a mediocre air quality in Asia?

Qualify that statement .
What are these many countries ?
Stop lumping the vast majority of clean countries in Europe in with Taiwan it’s absolutely ridiculous.


again, I’m not saying most. Many.
And if people in the vast majority of clean countries in Europe care about air quality of other countries, it will be that of the MANY countries with bad air quality in Europe.

Another way to look at it

9 of the top 13 are in Europe, #14 is Taiwan; not counting Russia, worst European score is Bulgaria at 61


The maps support my claim. Taiwan’s air quality may not be news worthy in Europe or other places.

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It supports my claim that Europe is not comparable to Taiwan in the main. And that is probably as bad air quality as you will ever see in Europe.


You know I’ve never disagreed it. My claim doesn’t contradict to your claim.

if this map is all green or all purple/brown, foreign press may report, but it’s just mediocre color in Asia, and not much different from the boundary area of western Europe and eastern Europe.

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Wow Northern Ireland so clean and fresh.
And another wow that southern Ireland has a 161! Higher than any reading in Taiwan!