Why are Taiwan's faults always covered up by expats and the press?

No such country as Southern Ireland. Just Ireland.

With the lower case and upper case usage, it seems @Crusher understands this…

Like, South Africa and southern Africa. Sure, there is no such country as Southern Africa.

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Yeah but don’t call my country southern Ireland it’s just Ireland or Republic of Ireland. There’s not two countries in Ireland called Southern Ireland and Northern Ireland. In the south of Ireland there is a 161 (which also surprised me what the hell is that )…It may sound like I’m splitting hairs but…A big mistake English people make is going to Ireland or referring to Ireland and calling it southern Ireland.

and wind?

Thats some meaningless-distinction-type-flatulence right there.

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That’s from 2013. Wait for the next one. East Asia will be much higher on the list.

Probably! I applied for a few jobs in Europe, but mostly the opportunities for me were Asia and I think this is where the future is!

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Just looking at the numbers is problematic. In Europe the readings are often at major roads inside the city, in China in parks…

Then pm2.5 and pm 10 are also way too small to cause visible smog. Visible smog is bigger particles - mainly from coal and cars/scooters without catalysator or proper filtering.

For me the worst air of my life was in Northern/Central China in winter, as well as in Santiago de Chile. In central/western Europe it’s clearly Milan area - but some places due to geography will score badly too - e.g. Stuttgart. Enough cities due have problems - even if in touristic locations like the Alps - e.b. Innsbruck or Graz (valley location plus quite heavily used highway).

One thing surely better in most of Europe (not all) is water quality however… Damn, in taiwan you cannot even get spring water from Taiwan in a supermarket… I don’t get why there is no spring water here… Even in mainland they have Nongfu…
Water quality for me is the biggest decrease in living quality of Asia vs Europe… Just want to get nice tasting spring water from the tap. Not some chlorine tasting whatever water… Though some/many cities in Europe have bad water too - it’s still much better than here though (except some islands like Cyprus). Well and not counting Turkey to Europe - there water quality from tap is not far from Nepal or India - meaning you should think about covering your eyes when taking a shower…


Again, no matter how better air and water qualities are than Taiwan in Europe, especially in the western Europe, I don’t think Taiwan’s pollution levels have much news value in the West.

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Ok, there’s a point to that. In the grand scheme of things newswise its not worth featuring taiwans middling problems, i agree.

The ‘covered up by expats’ part of title of this thread is more of an interesting discussion.

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that part is what I have a difficulty to understand, though OP somehow explained it happens in reddit etc.

Covering up means to put something on top of or in front of something in order to protect or conceal it. But, everyone can know Taiwan’s issues rather easily if they want to know and have some English or Mandarin skills. If the question is why they don’t mention, then it makes sense, but how can they cover up those issues?

Just check out youtube or the taiwan reddit group… it’s a bit cultish.


OTOH, what’s the ratio of bitching to praise on Forumosa?

Asking me makes no difference about whether a particular issue is newsworthy. This is for the journalists to decide since they usually have appropriate tools and data.

Nonsense, just look at how interested you are in this one issue.

that is because I’m living here, as well as other posters who care about these issues. I guess many of us get information from local source not from the foreign press or expats.

Why are people living in the west particularly interested in Taiwan’s pollution level.

Why Cambodia’s or Malaysia’s air quality is “covered up” by the western press? I briefly looked for news articles, but all I found are by local medias.

It seems there are more news by the west on air quality of China and India than of Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Why air pollution in eastern Europe is “covered up” by Taiwanese media? The only news I found is on their life expectancy lost by air pollution two years ago.

Tando, bro, relax man. Why are you so obsessed with defending Taiwan’s pollution?
It’s a big deal to us and it has news value. It’s also not the only thing I mentioned so your fixation looks really weird.
Lots of things have news value. We live in a big, big world and just because something happens in another country or continent doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect or interest us.
Malaysia has its own problems like the forest fires and palm oil deforestation which are covered by international media. Are Taiwanese media based in eastern Europe?

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That’s what I’m talking about. (Just don’t duplicate Israel’s human rights record.)

In the grand scheme of things newswise issues such as pollution, population decline and migrant worker abuse are all important. Why should these be overlooked? I think the more media coverage there is of Taiwan the better even if it is not positive or sunshiney stuff.

Because people have more important things to worry about than other countries local news?

I think this discussion should really be about the expats / tourists here who happily turn a blind eye to the negatives here.