Why are there so many roaches

I’ll keep the option in mind, but I need to stay where I am until I finish my language courses and then can look for work.

Not a fan of animals in the house at the moment. And not a fan of cats so I’ll tolerate the spiders. At least they’re not going to knock over my water glass or piss in my shoes when they’re upset.

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Drains and the door jamb gaps are the two main access points. I’ve also found them coming through a hole in the wall behind some ancient speaker that’s mounted on the wall (old building). That speaker is ~7ft off the ground so other than using a foam to fill in that gap not sure what else to do to stop up that entrance.

There will be animals in your house whether you like it or not. I rather they be cute.

Me: “I object”
Judge Roach : “Overruled…”

That’s only if they’re ready to hatch. If you catch them early enough, you’ll just have a gooey substance splattered around.

Use whatever fills it in and keep an eye on it. Any gap, hole, crack…fill them in. Reduce the amount of hiding places and put out the glue traps in high traffic areas. When you buy a pack of them, put them all out and check them daily.

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will do

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I remember reading in some book about Thomas Edison when he was young would use batteries and set up copper strips to electrocute roaches…

I only ever get the smaller German cockroaches in the apartment (as opposed to the huge bastards resembling American cockroaches that roam the streets and gutters). Roach glue always seems to work for me. I put it in various nooks and crannies where the little shits like to run and hide and a week later there’s no more roaches (at least for a few months).

This is the glue I use :point_down:

  • not really glue. More poison bait that they eat and carry back to their homies.

There is a chalk you can buy that you use to draw around cracks and drains that has been remarkably effective for me.

We’ve been lucky in the past 3 places we’ve stayed in Taipei, but visiting my mom’s place in Manila was a different story. We had set her up in a relative new condo, so I was surprised at how many kinds of the smaller roaches brazenly walked around the kitchen. So many and constant. It was disturbing. Traps and sprays simply did not work. I knew roaches could be a fact of life in condo living in Manila.

Then I remembered roach chalk I had seen in groceries in Taipei – found some here (probably from Taiwan given the Traditional Chinese characters on it – and after using it in the obvious corners in the kitchen the results have been dramatically good. I don’t know what kind of poison it is, but it freakin’ worked.

Obviously, there are no pets here – so that’s a consideration you should make before using it


Not too sure if they do, but if you’ve got time could be worth a try to ask? I bought ours through PCHome.

Yarp. I’ll ask around for where I can get it.

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I don’t have any pets, just the invasive roaches.

The German cockroaches can actually get quite large but those ones tend to hide and only come out when it’s dark while their kids run around. The American cockroach is lighter colored, runs very fast, and can fly. I lived in NY for years and only saw the German cockroaches there and I’ve only seen the American ones here in Taiwan.

I keep getting those little bastards… of course its preferrable to the big hellspawns but there have been so many recently. I think i’m going to gas the place out, i just fear the results.

The American ones are all over the desert

Tough German roaches…

Lots of little ones means the mamas have been laying those pods and now it’s party time. Put out 10 glue traps and you’ll decimate the colony. I’ve done it several summers in a row and it made a huge difference. I had about 3 or 4 traps that had filled up within a couple of days. Tossed them and put out new ones. Eventually I got rid of most of them.