Why are there so many roaches

Yeah they can fly. That is the worst thing.

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I’ve been hit in my face by those fuckers a few times.

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Well I’ve got a 10 pack of the Combat bait, and two packages of 10 pack sticky traps. Laid out all of the combat bait and four of the sticky traps in high traffic areas.

Swept the floors clean of any roach droppings and debris so I can spot new additions when they appear. Replaced the foam seals for the doorframe, got fine mesh drain sinks for all of the drain openings and glued them in place. Taped over the hole behind the speaker on the wall. Also got a couple more cans of Raid spray for any I catch in the open.

Only thing left to do is wait and see if there is anything I missed or if if these steps finally get rid of the problem.


It’s hard, I mean roaches are resilient. They’ll be around long after we’re gone. Best you can do is really just remove their food sources, but seeing their food source can literally just be that grain of rice you forgot about or even dead skin cells you shed, it’s hard as well.



My cats used to love to chase down roaches at one of my previous place. I try to not let them put one in their mouths though. I just don’t know if the roach has already been poisoned.

My favorite weapon was soap water in a spray bottle. Spray like crazy at one and it will lose the ability to fly and crawl pretty quickly. It also loses the ability to breath. Then I bag it and throw it away. Also, soap is soap. It is self cleaning.

If you see them indoors, the issues is that the drains, windows, and the door are not properly sealed. There are easy fixes to both with a couple hundred NTD.

Keywords being 防蟲, 落水頭, and 大門遮煙條

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Posting an update a littlenover a week later:

Seems to be an initial success. Have only seen a few of the tiny hatchlings (mostly in the bathroom) that I promptly kill on sight. No large roaches anymore that I have seen running around. Will see if the remaining ones dissapear by the end of next week to better assess the efficiency of the steps taken so far.


It’s a constant battle. You seem to be off to a good start! Let none escape

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I prefer roaches over the poison to be honest.

But otherwise:

We should have stricter import requirements to avoid naturalization of invasive species (roaches, snails, rodents and thousands of others already naturalized here)

Seal you house better. Meaning, build better.

Don’t be so dirty.

The idea of spraying so heavily for pests, especially the DDT war in the past for mosquitoes. Yikes. It’s really a war of pros vs cons. It’s a problem. But no one is really doing anything about solving future problems, just blanketing our environment with poison and giving us cheap health care…

If anyone is interested, look up the real problem species. Most of what people see are Periplaneta sp.

Here are the species recorded in Taiwan.

美洲家蠊 Periplaneta americana
阿里山家蠊 Periplaneta arisanica
澳洲家蠊 Periplaneta australasiae
班氏家蠊 Periplaneta banksi
棕色家蠊 Periplaneta brunnea
臺灣家蠊 Periplaneta formosana
黑褐家蠊 Periplaneta fuliginosa
卡氏家蠊 Periplaneta karnyi
上野家蠊 Periplaneta svenhedini

Note: there are less toxic ways of eradicating them in your home. Aside from the more than obvious prevention methods (Sealing the house, cleaning the house etc). Give it a Google, paying for bogus and/or toxic chemicals from the store are not needed. Check out boric. Go from there.


My gf gave me 3 poison things. Plastic circles wirth poison inside. Seems like they eat it and die immedietly. I’ll have to wait to see how much of a difference it makes but so far its been better finding them dead than alive at least.

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For whatever reason I was expecting a hospital story before I had even finished reading the paragraph, but anyway - how long do the plastic rings remain effective?


Come on now, Chinese is hard enough so can we please skip the Latin and just show us the damn pictures?

I’d skip the poison. Remember that what comes around, goes around. All you need is one of those fuckers to drop dead in some of your food without knowing it and … you’re toast.

Keep the place clean, use glue traps and and boric acid.

Most insecticides aren’t really poisonous to humans in small amounts, otherwise they’d never be allowed to be used as insecticides. Most are basically nerve toxin for bugs and it doesn’t work on humans unless you just straight up eat the stuff in large quantities. Boric acid is commonly used and it’s harmless to humans.

Unless you’re using arsenic as insecticide.

For 1 yr.

You can put them under stuff so kind of alright, don’t even see them. The gas chamber method is good too but seems like this is more long term. I just hope the basts die out soon.

Still, preferrable to the big ones.

My last place had a back balcony above a drain in the alley below. So it probably took a roach a couple of mins to breach my apartments back balcony defenses. Ptsd. So many traumatic battles with those satan spawns. The little ones are like whatever in comparison.

Oh and i had a massive spider in my place today, first time seeing that. Hoover.

Google them. Many dont have pictures. Nor English names. Use the scientific names whenever possible. It’s your only chance to be sure what you are discussing :slight_smile:

Common names are the cause of untold Wastage of both bandwidth and time :hugs:

Those names get you results. Roach results!

Many are insanely bad for our health. I won’t bother mentioning anything other than probably the safest one for roaches, boric acid. You can buy stupid little plastic contraptions inside more plastic baggage inside a box for about a 1000x mark up form supermarkets… OR you can go to the pharmacy, buy a bag of Boric. Most of the people at the counter already know people use this for ants and the like :wink: Get some shit to mix with it based on your target species to kill (sugars, starches, proteins or fats) and save money, loads of pollution and especially avoid worse shit in spray cans for your own health.

Boric acid DATA for those interested. It’s probably the safest VERY effected murder tool for small things like roaches. But there are issues still.



Had one wake me up by crawling on my face about a month ago. Went an a two-day rampage overturning everything in ny apartment to find and murder the little fuckers…

Used about three cans of Raid and had to step out while the apartment aired out the fumes.


If one on the face in a month is the metric, not that many to be fair. Much better than many places. The pest species listed above tend to breed far more in human dense areas (ie. We are the dirty ones). Regardless of our hate :beers:

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Here are some new pest control hires in our home:

Gekman Jr.

Huntsman Jr.

They are still young. I put some water out since it’s hot and the house has limited water sources. I moved the spider to the other side of the house, so they don’t get in each others way.

We mostly have issues with ants which intrude to grab any crumbles my kids leave on the floor.

We have a colony of geckos guarding our door outside. They mostly chill near the lamp on the ceiling to grab any insects attracted to light at night.