Why are there so many roaches

Soon the unholy army of the night shall be made ready for world!

Bring their wider family in. Mantises are the closest relatives of cockroaches, and we all know they like to eat family members.

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Problem is these animals inhabit different habitats, only sometimes crossing paths. Large roaches are usually untouched by geckos. Mantis would work if they learned to hang out in dark dank areas better. The slackers!

Centipedes. Loads and loads of centipedes. They’re the go to for the front lines :smiley:

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Update 2 at 3 weeks post-mass trap laying and deep cleaning.

All the large roaches are gone. Any of the smaller ones I initially saw after about 10 days in disappeared, and there was nothing until this morning.

So apparently the only entry left into my apartment is…through the ceiling vent in the bathroom that connects to an adjoining bathroom next door (My place used to be one large suite until it was walled off and made into two apartments).

So the roaches I have seen in my bathroom were from a couple days old to the size of my pinky nail. And the solution I found for this was to just close the bathroom door and the seals are tight enough the roaches don’t get through.

So I think I can safely say I’ve eliminated the roach problem. If there’s a “Revenge of the Roach” episode I’ll post it here.


Make sure your kitchen is very clean, free of any grease. Roaches love oil and can smell the oil from far away.


They’re spraying the drains where I live today. The guys make no effort to limit the poisonous gas to the sidewalk drains. They just walk down the road spraying as they go.

I’ve no idea what they’re spaying, but I assume it must be pretty toxic to kill cockroaches.

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I think those are more for mosquito control. Roaches are secondary.

Knowing that, question is: Did you do anything? or just go back to prepare food and go to bed :thinking:

I was in the gym working out.

I think @Taiwan_Luthiers might be right about mosquitoes, because there wasn’t the mass cockroach death that usually follows.


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Thankfully not the house!

They do indeed do mosquito fumigation. Roaches usually just use boric acid and problem solved, no need to poison the public airspace usually.

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Mosquitoes are like much more deadly compared to roaches or those big spiders (which freaks me out, makes me want to get the flamethrowers out). They spread several deadly diseases so the government has massive effort to spray for those. Otherwise Taiwan could end up with mass malaria epidemic which isn’t good.

Making a 3rd update at almost 7 weeks post-op and I haven’t seen a single one of the little bastards in my apartment since then. The bathroom ones might have been late egg-hatchers or something, but I have already tempted fate by accidentally leaving food crumbs on the floor for a couple days one time and cooking frequently at home since, and still nothing.

So noral of the story is: Nuclear Option wins the game.

Seal the doors, lay sticky traps, lay combat poison bait, keep the place relatively clean and…you win!