Why do I dislike Islam?

That was a direct response to the Bear. Own your words, man.

Oh, geez. Do we really need to analyze the laws of every country with a significant Muslim population? Does China (20+ million) count? Does Turkey (79 million) count? Does India (172 million) count? Does Indonesia (225 million) count?

and change their name?

That again?

What other major group of people does this on a large scale?

The mudslinging continues… This has turned into yet another thread about Islam. A week ago it seemed (Roman) Catholicism had the upper – or rather the lower – hand. When will Jainism get a turn? :thinking:

[edit: this post was moved from the “Is Taiwan racist?” thread]

If you really want to keep score, what counts as a major group of people? What percentage need to be complicit for the group as a whole to qualify as “doing this?” Does it need to be codified in publicly accessible written laws, or are customs or tendencies sufficient? Does it only matter when the punishment for betraying the group is death, or do ostracism and other problematic behaviors also matter?

I can’t say I’ve studied Islam to any scholarly extent

Neither can Roseanne, but at least she understands the problem with judging people by their origins.

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