Why do I dislike Islam?

I can see that you have no idea about what the religion of Islam is and either you are not telling the truth about your friend´s thoughts or he is not a true muslim as he would be living in sin if he would not have any problem against gay people. It is condemned in the Koran as an abomination.
Is not about hate, it is about the love I have for those who are really tolerant.
Anyways, please take a look at this video and then tell me that you are really happy to have a muslim population growing back at home: https://www.facebook.com/vox.alicante/videos/844614145744839/?hc_ref=ARSJqebkipZqBZf1ou-LbOeLVnojEM0f_Lf2cjkaumIVhPQZRml5c-QQBmThax4NKhs

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