Why do some foreigner NHI cards say "外籍 foreigner" but others don't?

Yeah. In that case, you cannot.

Awesome, I am still young so do not really need it :slight_smile:

Cars that will attempt to hit You don’t discriminate by age :thinking:NHI is one of the great things in Taiwan and well worth having. You never know with health issues .

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I got accident insurance, so that covers cars. For serious health issues its a short flight over to HK where I can get cheap health care.

That’s good , but it really is worth having the cover here when you can . Good luck

Kinda had to be there. I don’t think it was a compliment, more or less shock that she was understood.

No 外籍 on mine. I got it in 2004 or 2005.

They ask me to show it every time I go to the hospital, which is what is supposed to happen.