Why do the FunghiClear banners on this website seem to appear so often?

Today is the first time I’ve seen a different ad show up. I was almost tempted to buy some funghiclear.

I tried it, but it made my coffee taste funny.

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They’ve got a pill for that. As for the as it’s back again. So much for Bens Bikes…

There is a problem with the way I use it. Unfortunately, I don’t know what it is. But I’m stuck with Google Ad Manager as Forumosa’s ad rotator. I’ve never liked it from the start, and it doesn’t behave the way I want. It’s complicated and bloated. It runs slow on all my devices – mobile and desktop – and networks (DSL and 5G). It doesn’t do what I expect. I cannot run a proper ad service this way. So, I don’t.

At some point, I hope to replace the ad network with something simple. In the meantime, I suck it up.

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