Why does everyone think Taiwan is poor?

A lot of people have no idea about Macau or Singapore. I think most would know HK. I’ve tried to explain Macau to people before and they’re like “oh so it’s like the Vegas of Asia” even though it takes in more money than Vegas lol.

As if HK, Macau and Singapore are all so great, they each have their own set of problems to deal with.

I usually say it’s Vegas x10.

It is well funny, that your 3 highlights of Asia are all former colonies.

Most small island nations in Asia, rich and poor, are former colonies except perhaps Bahrain but I’m not really sure as much of
west Asia was coloniesed as we

the funny point is @Laracroft omitted Bahrain from @morran01’s highlights?

and continent too.

Taiwan ranked 17th richest country in world

That’s a retarded list if ever I saw one.

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That’s a list of PPP per capita :roll:

been there done that, taiwannews is obsessed with these lists…

Why? which one do you disagree with? I mean except Taiwan lol.
Also, its purchasing power not straight up exchange rate dollar. To me its gross misrepresentation by Taiwannews rather than being a stupid list.

If they want to cite a rich country list wealth would be a far better metric as GDP is an entirely different concept.

In terms of average wealth Taiwan would be 22nd (mean) and 16th (median). In terms of total wealth it would be 13th. In terms of financial assets it would be either 9th (Allianz) or 16th (Credit Suisse).

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Macau…Ireland…Iceland…its dopey.

Because Bahrain is in the Middle East, not Asia. I didn’t want to show I am a know-it-all. But, you forced me to explain it.

Most part of the middle east is western Asia, and Bahrain is in western Asia.


Lol. Did they legalize recreational cannabis or something?


Edit: I don’t know why it doesn’t show the preview thingy. TIER has predicted Taiwan’s GDP growth will climb back to 5% in 5 to 10 years.

Nobody knows what will happen in 5 to 10 years…fuppijg ridiculous .

They’re counting on the trade war lasting for five years.

29 posts were split to a new topic: Taiwan tax revenue will exceed targets by NT$355 billion

Taiwan is not poor. It´s in the top 20 of rich countries.

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