Why does Japan still deny its role in Nanjing Massacre?

I visited the place once. Nice place to go if you don’t want to sleep for the next week. It beggars belief that Hirohito didn’t know what was going on there. And to think that the monsters involved were never held accountable. And that the US lied to cover up these atrocities, calling them Communist “rumours” while secretly obtaining all the data on the biological warfare experiments.

On a happier note, here’s a story about a guy who’s been taking care of radioactive cats in Fukushima’s exclusion zone. Wouldn’t mind a glow-in-the-dark cat myself


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I had nightmares after visiting the American war museum in Vietnam my buddy who had previously visited auswitch was laughing at me. Ha ha ha kids with distorted physically expanded brains due to chemical warfare killed by soilers at point blank for no reason Ha ha you ain’t seen nothing. Go to auswitch… Emm no thanks

I found the war museum in Saigon to be pretty bad, because if what is in the museum, but also because it tied some threads together. Kids with no arm, kid with expanded head three times too big, detonations of land mines every mid day. Actually really nice articulate kid with one arm in a town where if I looked carefully I’d find a wall made out of bomb casings.

And then in the museum. The thing that really got me was photos of people taken at the moment before they were murdered, like all ages.

War atrocity recorded on camera.

Of course that’s happens today and the main concern is keeping it off camera


A cat, born in the Fukushima exclusion zone.


Attempting to destroy journalists like Assange who publish material like the “collateral murder” footage. Pour encourager les autres

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The Vietnam war was the last war that had photographers.

Bit of a blip where we see the war on Iraq is teenagers on drugs who think they are playing video games.

I’m talking complete nonsense but it’s true.

On a side note i have the solution a chaque prombleme

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Your shack problem? You mean you’ve found a place with some kind of a roof in which to live? Mes felicitations!

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thinking about this stuff when there are other things you could think of

Lazarus mouse freck yea!


Better not show that to me girlfriend or she’ll want to go and exhume 小灰… maybe he wasn’t dead, after all…

Since his passing I’ve been seeing mice everywhere. Whispering to me. Winking at me. I’m also seeing mouse symbols everywhere:

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Irishman alert, bit of competition for crusher


. Let’s do this

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Perhaps Japan doesn’t want to give China this. An apology to China wouldn’t go well with the Japanese IMO. Japan seems much more willing to kind of acknowledge some of the fucked up things they did to Taiwan.

“Civilising” indigenous tribes, in the vein of England, France and other colonial powers?

Good grief. I know we’re not supposed to just post links with no comment. But I don’t know what to say. I’m all for more of a return to Spartan inspired youth to adulthood training and rituals, but this just seems like it’s going to traumatise them for no good reason.


It conditions an entire generation to have a reflexive terror response toward a convenient, present, other.


Unpopular opinion:
If the Nazi Germany just conquering parts of Africa, like the British, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, French or Belgian, we won’t have World War II.
Even if they only conquering Eastern Europe, likely we won’t have World War II.
They have to go to Western Europe… Look what happen after…
Japan to China stuff, nobody give a rat ass back then.
British do it to parts of Africa, India, indigenuous North America, Australia, Maori, Dutch do it to Indonesia, French do it to most Africa and Indochina, Portuguese do it to Timor Leste. Just business as usual.

That sounds more like a confused opinion than unpopular.


Germany had an African empire. Third largest.

EDIT: My mistake. You’re talking about Nazi Germany

Do tell why?

Hitler wanted the civilized world, to him that was Europe

Africa was already totally colonized

There was an African campaign

WW1 happened because of the vile Hun and his villainous empire-building.

WW2 happened because of the vile Hun and his villainous empire-building.
