Why is it so easy to "Hurt the feelings of the Chinese people"?

You’d think they’d realize now how silly it seems to the rest of the world- I guess they think it’s working.

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It is working

Companies are censoring themselves more than ever. Professional wrestlers are haplessly kowtowing in order to keep on sucking on the RMB teat. The situation is way worse than a decade ago.


Sadly, youre absolutely on point. Its really a disgrace :frowning:


Yes the Chris Horton article makes some really flimsy claims. US direction on Taiwan hasn’t changed because they are bored of Beijing’s histrionics, it’s because of a genuine threat to the US interests in the Indo-Pacific and then a general retreat from China through the trade war. Again the reason for the trade war is because China doesn’t follow rules, not because Washington is bored of their crying. Washington would be fine to tow the line if the Chinese business environment was fairer and followed the rules of WTO that they joined.

I’m seeing companies “over-correcting” in order to avoid Beijing’s wrath in a way unthinkable a decade ago.

We need actual substantive policy to counter Beijing and a vision of how the world can live together with the reality of a strong China, while avoiding a hot war.


Cant disagree. I think we all agree we need a lot of things, and for our species to actually act as intelligent as we like to tell people we are.

That all said, i see WTO (as per your example, but realistically many other international bodies) eventually swaying over to the ccp much like the UN/WHO did. Though we know they are different bodies and the methodology and reasons will be different, i see greed still winning over peace in the short term. Then a knee jerk to gain peace afterwards (assuming the nazis dont win.this round). The only hope is the CCP stays ignorants, arrogant and just keep relying.On their money to bully, That way the world will eventually get tired of their shit. I dont, however, think they will remain THIS stupid for much longer, what then?

I just dont see much ground level fucks given, hence my trepidation. Especially with the expansion of entitlement in the west at the grassroots level. I dont see all these situations coming together in a way that avoids physical conflict. But i hope, regardless.

More “hurt feelings” no doubt will ensue.



could you elaborate on this?

In the west, people have become more entitled. This is very apparent with younger generations, and is sadly affecting grassroot movements as their entitled attitudes make them look naive and not worth listening to, and thus, arent listened to.

Not all of course, but it does seem to be the trend in north america.


My feelings are hurt everytime i read this thread about chinese and relating to taiwanese in the same category. I soooo trigered right now, gaw!

Shouldnt thread be about Han? In that way, we can include many similar cultures without being oppressor sympathizers.

Probably being a hypocrite now. But anyway, the thread title is about china, not taiwan, while most of us know taiwan, not china.

Another company sucking up to China

“Political neutrality” my fat ass!



What in the actual fuck???


All Chinese people have eyes like this. Well-known fact. She is right to apologise for her ignorance.


Chinese photographer apologizes to Chinese people for taking photos of beautiful Chinese women that Chinese people feel aren’t the correct portrayal of Chinese beauty.

Okaaaaay. Diversity, much?


“Chen Man’s photo showed a woman who some Chinese netizens said perpetuated Western stereotypes of Asian faces.”

which then leads to “Fair skin and large eyes are typically considered ideal beauty features in China”

So Team Snowflake wants to “stop perpetuating stereotypical Asian faces” and try to look white instead?

Bit of a lose-lose ---- have a traditional Asian and they’re “perpetuating stereotypes”. Have a pale skinned, wide-eyed Asian and they’ll be accused of “whitewashing”


Chinese netizens are the worst.

People who grovel for apologies to Chinese netizens are the second worst.


:heavy_dollar_sign: :heavy_dollar_sign: :heavy_dollar_sign:


Yes, that’s what makes it pathetic. Money; the Frankenstein monster that controls people’s souls.

Whatever it is, it’s not pretty. :neutral_face:


It’s like the mirror image of woke-ism in the West.
The world has gone mad!

I looked at some of the photographers work, she is a talented lady. Why she has to apologise and grovel is beyond me. Stand up for yourself!!!