Why is our broker holding our passport?

Hi I’m a foreign worker here in Taiwan but my problem is my broker’s holding our passport and I know that it is an illegal act for foreign workers. I would like to file a complaint at CLA but I’m afraid that the broker might do something on my working VISA here. What should I do guys? Please help. :frowning:

Report it don’t be afraid. Call TIWA




Thanks for that, but I received reports that the brokers do frame up the foreign worker, so that they would be deported back to their origin country as a revenge. I’m afraid that might happen to me if I file a complaint.

When you request a labor inspection (not to be confused with mediation), you need to give the labor department your name, but they aren’t allowed to reveal your identity to your employer unless you give them permission in writing.

If your employer guesses that you’re the only one who would make the complaint, then you might suffer a reprisal (which is illegal of course). If the employer has a lot of disgruntled employees, and your complaint isn’t too specific (but hopefully is still specific enough to be useful to the labor department), then your employer won’t know it was you.


If you allow this to continue they’re just going to do it to someone else,


Oh thanks for the idea!

I completely agree to your point, but your statement misleads me to look like OP also has a problem being afraid for his/her safety and not reporting.

Perhaps the OP can organize a large enough group to ensure he/she is safe from (illegal) reprisal. If you can gather enough unsatisfied employees to help report other issues within the company you’d have the protection from the masses. Just my opinion. Good luck!

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Seems unlikely if that company is only employing a few people.

Are you from The Philippines?

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If you do nothing no one can help you so dig yourself out and don’t expect anyone to come save you.

Yes I am

Have you consulted the Migrant Worker’s Concern Desk (MWCD) at St Christopher’s Church in Taipei? I do not think you have to be Filipino or Catholic to consult them, although Filipino Catholics are likely to be the most number of volunteers there.

The Migrant Workers’ Concern Desk (MWCD) was organized as a unit under the auspices of the Commission for Social Development of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Taiwan. The MWCD was established in 1989, with the definite Vision of addressing the needs of the foreigners in Taiwan. MWCD is currently located within St. Christopher Church’s facility.

It’s also listed here among other Migrant NGOs



You need to tell your embassy or trade office about this.
And make sure it reaches to president Duterte.

You can also inform your embassy (“trade office”).

The passport is the government’s property, not your property. They can demand that your broker give it back or you are issued a new one.

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I asked a friend at MECO about this and here is what she shared (emphasis is mine):

I think the link below is self explanatory. Yes the passport is the property of the Philippine government.


General Information

The Philippine Passport is at all times the property of the Republic of the Philippines. It must be surrendered upon demand by an authorized representative of the Philippine Government.

Alteration, addition, or destruction of contents is strictly prohibited. Any unauthorized change will render a passport invalid and will have accompanying penalties.

Using the passport as collateral is against the law and will automatically render the passport cancelled.

The information provided in the passport application form must be true and correct. The documents that will be submitted should be complete and authentic. Under the law, making false statements in the passport application form, furnishing falsified or forged documents in support thereof are punishable by law.