Why is President Tsai never seen introducing any legislation?

Top-down decision making.

What year is that chart from?

And why is the NDC missing?


中天 Won’t shut up about her thesis either. They still got shows about it 9n YouTube.

I hope you dont think i believe the green side isnt filled with sheep either. The sheep problem is cultural, not based solely on politcal camps. Though it is far more worrisome when the sheep masses are aligned with treasonous pro traitor rather than idiotic domestic corruption. 2 wrongs dont make a right, but absolutely both those 2 wrongs arent equal in their potential for tyranny.

January 2020.

NDC is there, it’s a think tank.

The NDC is not a think tank—the “N” stands for “National.”


OK fine, they are part of the Executive Yuan.

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Otherwise that chart does pretty much show how the Tsai administration is—for better or for worse—getting things done.


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Has to be about cats to make the news.

President Tsai and @icon speak the same language.

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It seems we need a Civics 101 refresher course if we are asking why executives aren’t legislating.

Naw man, we need Reading 101. Executives introduce legislation all the time.


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In presidential systems. Not in parliamentary or hybrid systems.

Seems like they do in hybrid systems.

Oddly enough, a president in Germany is only second. The head of state is a Chancellor.

The president is the head of state in Germany.

The chancellor is the head of government.

For mine own fart part:

Let’s see. The options are (a) Nice Cat Lady and (b) National Seppuku Party.

Whew! That was fast. I didn’t even have to deliberate on that one. Why, the decision came to me instantaneously. In fact, she could spend each day of the rest of her term on the utmost of frivolities, and each of those frivolities could be the leading story of that day, and I still wouldn’t have to deliberate.

–Bad-Harmonica Funny-Voice Boomer-Man


The thing is I don’t believe Tsai is “nice.” She’s tough.

Obama is nice. How did that work out with China?
