Why not men's forum?

Hmm lets see things we may not want the girs to participate in: -
Venereal Diseases
Initimate sexual questions
Parenting advice
Excuses for cheating on them
Advice about our Women’s unique problems
Bodged DIY

With the exception of bodged DIY I think we pretty much cover everything out in the open. What exactly would go in this men’s forum?

Dear Admin,

I’d like to publicly offer my support for a men’s forum. It appears that the men want to talk fashion and they don’t want any input from the ladies. We have a gals forum, why not have a men’s forum too? Is there any logical reason why we don’t?

I, for one, think it’s a great idea! Then they can talk fashion and boobies and tell dirty jokes all they want without offending any sensitive girls. You go guys!

Any reason to believe they would keep such discussions IN the men’s forum, if there were one? How would it be different from, well, the rest of f.com?

Not that I care if they have one. Doesn’t bother me in the least.

Agian I support a male’s forum. I stated my reasons and agree with Erhu’s.

Look there are things that men need to talk about in a safe setting. While majority of the female posters here wouldn’t mock male problems, some people need that place to go to.

It would be good for a male’s forum so ya’ll could post your IMO lewed photos of beautiful women without me being subjected to it. :laughing:

I wholeheartedly agree with the posts of the last three ladies. With a few exceptions, men an women don’t see things from the same angle. I really don’t see why anyone would have anything against a women’s forum. If you try just a little, it’s pretty easy just to ignore it. Cliquey? Elitist? Give me a fucking break. I equally support men’s only clubs that feminists have been trying to take over. We are different folks. Men and women are different. Biology. Psychology. We are different.

I think it is interesting that in the world today in 2006, womens only groups are encouraged, while mens only groups are labled sexist.

There was a need for a women’s group, so there was one created. If a men’s group is created, it will not take anything away from the women will it? Why not give it a try - it might turn out to be a bunch of hot air, but then again it might not.

[quote=“Truant”]I think it is interesting that in the world today in 2006, womens only groups are encouraged, while mens only groups are labled sexist.

This is why I hate feminism.

[quote=“Truant”]I think it is interesting that in the world today in 2006, womens only groups are encouraged, while mens only groups are labled sexist.[/quote]I think they are both sexist.

[quote]There was a need for a women’s group, so there was one created. If a men’s group is created, it will not take anything away from the women will it? Why not give it a try - it might turn out to be a bunch of hot air, but then again it might not.[/quote]It wouldn’t take away anything from the women, but it will take away from Forumosa with threads being hidden from public, like the ones on ear infections in the women’s forum. If a thread’s not suitible for women, why would it be suitible for forumosa at all ? If you want a private forum, make one, but why should it be hosted on forumosa ?

This is all :flog: and :snore: , The administration has already ruled that private exclusive forums are incompatable with the spirit of Forumosa, it just ain’t gonna happen. And I don’t know why people keep dragging this tired old subject up time after time… I personally got tired of this constant moaning one or two years ago.

If you put all the men’s forum threads together you would be able to convert them into a forum. :unamused:

That doesn’t surprise me. The PC brigade is here.
I fully support human rights and equality, but HELLO men and women are different, and thank God for that. The day that the Men’s 100m Olympic sprint is ruled sexist,(and lets face it, it is a private exclusive group based on gender), then the PC brigade has finally won.
What wrong with recognising gender based differences and respecting them?

WTF are you talking about? There is a private exclusive forum already: The women’s forum.

Look just give the men a forum. Period. I don’t want F.com to become a division but I do think that men need to discuss something in private without ridicule.

Right, like men won’t ridicule each other in a private forum.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Right, like men won’t ridicule each other in a private forum.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:[/quote]

U would know better than me…You have a ‘johnson’ I don’t :laughing:

I could start a blog for men and only send them the URL. Who would support it?

It’s not the point tho. It’s an interesting paradox here, as to why it is such a big deal to not even try it out. :s

I agree that this place has a male majority…so in a way it is already a male forum.

I don’t like the womens “private” forum. I think it defeats the whole idea of Forumosa. All discussions should be in the open for all to participate in. The site has its ground rules, so if you are afraid of your topic being torn apart by jokes and insincere posts…no worries, the mods are there to make sure things stay on track.

IMHO there should be a Men’s “Open” Forum and a Women’s “Open” Forum, where men can talk about men stuff and women can talk about women stuff. But, everyone can read and learn from those forums and not be restricted from their content because of their gender.

If you dont want to be offended by some topics that may be discussed in either gender forum, simply dont go there. Its that simple, really!

I WISH there was a private forum for questions like yours yesterday. :slight_smile:

That is my entire point JD.

If it was “private” how could everyone benefit from it? They couldnt. We are all grown ups (presumed), so I dont see why we cant talk maturly about such topics as the one I posted the other day that you refer to. It was a real life concern that all adults should be able to handle. And, many people I found through their responses have the same concerns. Perhaps a female forumosean can also benefit from the post when her BF or SO has a difficult time finding appropriate protection as well.

Having a Men’s exclusive forum would deny that sort of useful and important information from female Forumoseans. In the same way, having a Female exclusive forum denys the same sort of useful and important information from Male Forumoseans.

If you didnt want to read my post, or know about that private part of my life…then dont read it. No one is forcing you to read what anyone writes.

What I’m saying is, we are all adults, so no need for exclusive - private - secret forums. If one is that shy or ashamed about what they are typing on here, perhaps it shouldnt be typed at all.

I reckon the ‘womems’ forum is probably one of the dullest places on earth. Im not talking about what subjects they discuss, I mean it can’t have any traffic, can it?
The mens forum would have loads of traffic but NOTHING to talk about.
I think the original idea of the womens forum was to give them a place to go and chat about how retarded the men on this website are. A men’s forum… what the hell would go in it? Can you give me some ideas?

U would know better than me…You have a ‘johnson’ I don’t :laughing:[/quote]

Nama----bet you can get all the Johnson’s you want :rainbow: