Will Taiwan Be Able to Lower Its Voting Age From One of the World’s Highest?

Yes , that’s a general thing even when people are just walking around. A generally low awareness, like horses with blinkers on, as you point out.
The theory test here was ridiculously complex, like asking questions to different fine amounts , and not very related to real world driving.

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indeed. that’s why I call the testing shitty. very OCD on relatively pointless aspects whilst completely avoiding actual driving skill. I am not a fan. That is to say, do the OCD taiwanesr testing, sure. But make actual skill 90% rather than 5% :slight_smile: back to the “with rights come responsibilities” aspect.


A post was split to a new topic: Not about taiwan

That wouldn’t be in the interests of those who have access to the levers: A self-aware, practical and intelligent populace is difficult to :banana: around with. So infantilising continues.

Never an issue in Taiwan. In the US, Republicans abolished slavery and introduced women’s vote: John Allen Campbell - Wikipedia

The US still restricts voters of US Territories: Federal voting rights in Puerto Rico - Wikipedia. France, on the other hand, gives expats and members of territories, reps in the National Assembly.

I was joking about property requirements, but think in the Taiwan context, 18 is too young.

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That’s pretty racist.

That’s pretty strong language. Other posters have commented on maturity levels, disagreed with lowering to 18 and not been called a racist. Is Taiwan a race? Includes Han, aboriginal and many other races as citizens?

Do you think the same about different alcohol/driving ages in the Americas? Is BC racist because you need to be 19, not 18 like Alberta (or 21 in the US), to drink booze?

I think jurisdictions, Taiwan or otherwise, have the right to determine ages based on a variety of data, and people have the right to comment without being labelled.

My 3 kids/stepkids are Taiwan nationals (or could be for the youngest). Different maturity levels at 18 for the first two because of strong parental control on the Taiwanese side, as well as education and societal factors. Glad the referendum failed.

From the TT, which would infer based on your premise that they too are racist:
Many Taiwanese doubt that young people understand politics, or are capable of taking care of themselves and making independent decisions. Those who oppose referendums held alongside elections are also concerned about political interference on campus. Referendum on voting age must pass - Taipei Times

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Taiwanese are not a race.

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Interesting. The older folks criticizing the knowledge gap among the youth are the ones who set up, endorsed, and promulgated the schooling and parenting that led to this situation. So what they are saying is . . . they suck at this. Perhaps they should have their vote taken away accordingly, or at least their influence on society should be muted, as clearly they are—based on their own reasoning—doing a poor job.



Why do you think some of us left Taiwan?

Better educational opportunities away from the rote learning for our kids. We can change it at the micro level but at the macro–there will always be strong cultural forces at play.

But that doesn’t diminish the reality that 18 in Taiwan in terms of emotional maturity is often very different than in Western jurisdictions.


I agree wholeheartedly.

The rule of 10 comes into play here.


Understanding ironyis truly in.short supply these days. they just dont get it…If they did, we would be making smarter kids.

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This is true. What happens when maturity is said to be 25. then 30. and so on. Take their votes away as well? Surely it is more ideal to get smarter voters rather than ban more people from voting.

It used to be 15 year olds were more mature, and us saying 25 now is like them them saying 18 then.

Time to stop enabling spoiled people and hindering intelligence. If a free, open and intelligence is the goal, it is the only option in my opinion. turning what are now legally adults into legally children is not the way forward…

This election a lot of young people didn’t go vote anyway. “Bad weather”

maybe the ones that are promoting not having immature people voting could formulate a plan that doesnt punish young people but rather takes away the right to people that didn’t for say 3 times before. or some other chinese~esque type oppression that freedom lovers might be convinced with.