Winning a war

You precious little thing. Callicles no less? haha And I was just about ready to play dead when we had to listen to you quoting Kafka. You would have taken an awful beating at any prep school I can tell you that. Good thing you picked up your knowledge among the masses then? haha[/quote]
Ah, Bliss.
Like Promethius, have I been bound to this rock;
Shackled, dangling in the sky,
Punished for no more than the slanderous charge of elitism.
But lo, unexpectedly I am free!
A great, thunderous fart has broken my shackles,
and cast me down,
hoping, no doubt, to dash my spirit, my intellect upon the rocks below,
knowing not, that I am now free!
Free, and once again, amongst the seething masses from which I came.
Good things do, it seems, [url=Do good things just fall out of the sky? fall out of the sky![/url]

Toodles, fred. And thanks.
In honor of your service, I shall delight in cooking up bad literary references and worse poetry till the Vogons come home.
Oh yes! I shall, “Or I will rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon,
See if I don’t!”

[quote=“gao_bo_han”]Just trying to address all your points… [/quote] I know; fair enough. But I find that such arguments quickly become ugly and tiresome. It’s an aesthetic judgment more than anything else.