Wire tap/conversation rules

Does anyone know what are the wire tap rules in Taiwan? I want to record my landlord agreeing on something that she won’t put in writing. Will this stand up legally in court if it (hopefully not) comes to it?

Can’t speak for wire tap, which would likely involve trespassing or other infringements.

But you can record people, just not share it publicly. It gets messy real quick here, and courts and lawyers are busy with this stuff. As 2 government agencies have told me: you cna record (eg. On your phone) conversations etc, but cannot share openly. They can be used with police, lawyers, courts etc. Not Facebook. It’s about collecting evidence, not defamation. Keep that in mind. Important distinction.

If you install apps or devices on/in someone else’s property, you are probably opening yourself up to a world of headache.


As discussed in a few other threads, if you’re going to make an unauthorized recording without being a criminal, you need a legitimate purpose, such as protecting your rights.

When in doubt, ask a lawyer.

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