Work permit application for South African -- Help needed

Hi all, I’m a South African looking to teach in public school in Taiwan – I have a teacher’s license. I have searched all over but struggling to find exact info. I’m really hoping someone else from South Africa or anyone else in the know here could help me out.

–What documents exactly are needed to apply for a work permit and ARC?
–As a South African, do you need originals or do you have to get notarized and authenticated copies of your documents done in South Africa?
–Would you need to get anything translated into Chinese?

–Also, is it really difficult to apply for the work permit before going to Taiwan if you get a job offer lined up? (I’d really prefer to get it done before going.) I assume to get the work permit issued before going you’d have to send notarized and authenticated copies of your documents to your employer in Taiwan or is there some other procedure?

I’m sorry for coming across so clueless but finding info. on the process for applying to teach in Taiwan is proving confusing for me when details for other countries seem pretty straightforward.

Any assistance would be much appreciated!

documents you need to get a work permit for public school teacher
Copy of your contract
Copy of your passport
Copy of your degree
Copy of your teacher license
Criminal background check

Before you get your ARC, you need to get a resident visa.


all documents should be authenticated by TECO located in where they are issueed, if authentication is requested. You may ask to your employer or NIA whether authentication is required.

if it is not in English, yes. If in English, I think documents for work permit should be translated (usually by the employer), even in English.


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Thank you! This was helpful.

Your first step is to contact a recruiter. Teach Taiwan, YG Experts, Dewey are all recruiters for the public schools. They will help you with everything you need and make sure everything goes smoothly. They will also arrange interviews for you so that you can get a job lined up before you arrive.

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