Workplace romance

Probably would have been worse if it was because of her personality.

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It sounds like sheā€™s not very experienced with this sort of thing. And it sounds like she has not had (at least so far) many gay friends.


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Some peopleā€™s gaydar is either broke or non-existent


Yes. But when someone says ā€œIā€™m gay.ā€ You should probably just believe them. What straight guy would say that he was gay to reject a girl?

Nah. I think sheā€™s not experienced with men. Period.

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I would guess she took it as a gentle rejection disguised as a joke. She asked for evidence, maybe even jokingly. Itā€™s okay. Donā€™t worry, she will survive.


Iā€™m intrigued as to how one provides evidence of being gay. Marrying a guy should prove it.


Make her a gay porn?

Photos / videos together as evidence. Like think like an immigration officer asking for evidence of a legitimate relationship.

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But what if it backfired and it made her hornier?

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This can obviously be achieved with a picture showing the two people in question tounghing each other. I mean, come on, move with the times, will ya?

We might have a rule 34 exception, better back up your interwebs people

Edit: nope, i checked. No exceptions.

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Introduce her to Colonel Angus?

Over here as long as you are not dating someone who you are the boss of you can get away with it and as long as he/she is not your boss and if your advances are not reported to HR by her/him/they


Yeah, youā€™ve been saying that for years and years. It kinda is.

On the flip side sometimes fantasizing can lead to more action with your partner

Everyoneā€™s mileage varies

Ps not on the hunt myself or actually thinking about it

Pretty happy with my model

Just like talking theory

Ah yes, the highly respectful ā€œI wish I were in that woman at work fantasyā€ as youā€™re in your wife.

Again, nothing but net when it comes to classiness. :bomb:

Lol nah I think work when at work never messed with chicks at work

Probably coulda when younger and not married still never did

I also like talking private jets even though Iā€™m not getting one and Iā€™m scared of flying and Ferrari even though Iā€™m not getting one

Lots of stuff I talk about that Iā€™m not doing or getting like climbing Everest

Not doing like watching vids of other people climbing it though

Like watching cruising vids on tv even though I chickened out on a free cruise recently


And actually I donā€™t need to justify myself to you
Thank you nonetheless

And :grinning: you are so cool I think of you as a little Angel on my left shoulder wagging finger going no no naughty naughty

While the little devil on the right is saying WILL YOU LOOKIT THAT !!!


Sounds awfully specific there. Like someone thatā€™s protesting too much has been there. :laughing:

But yea, donā€™t fish off the company pier.

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