Workplace Safety on Taiwanese TV and Movie Sets

Oh! I just thought of another example. I was having coffee with a friend of mine who’s a director, and he told me about a project he had just worked on (he worked with the second unit). They filmed a police chase scene on a public road the production had not applied to close, and they did it with non-professional drivers.


Not to whatabout you, but he sounds like a Bill Friedkin fan. :2cents:

(Don’t try this at home, kids!)

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Did you really think it would be any different?

I never understood why people here are:

a) so litigious
b) so careless with safety measures
c) so tight with money

This doesn’t exactly need to be a GMAT logic problem to figure out…

Hi! I was wondering about the agency that you are represented by in Taiwan for acting? Could you give me more information regarding that?
I’m sorry, I can’t seem to figure out how to send private messages.

My first major film job was on a HK film. I came in after a DGA trainee quit.

It was a mess with stunt actors and shooting time. Got so bad grips killed the generator so they could get off after 12 hours after working 3 days of 17 hour days. The stunt actors got hurt on a regular basis. One so bad (minor concussion after other minor injuries) he was sent home.

The worse was yet to come.

The final scene. The main actor and extras are on a large gallow, camera shot is wide and there’s supposed to be an explosion with hydraulics lowering the platform.

Well the explosions go off, the platform goes down, but the wires on one of the “actors” ain’t for shit and breaks–the assistant costume director(ACD).

Oh yeah, he did his own stunts because production basically trashed the stuntmen that came over.

So, the platform lowers too quick, the wire breaks and the ACD goes head first into the ground. This is from about at 10 foot or so high level. It was nasty. Blood everywhere.

He had to be air lifted after we rushed him via a van down the road to meet the ambulance. We were working on a remote location in the South.

This was the worst of production grievances.

As for Asian productions changing their habits, I don’t think it will change until the relationship to money is changed. Even American productions have gotten shady from what I hear.

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To be clear, all this happened in HK?

What a terrible story. Guess things aren’t very different o’er there either.

Keep the stories coming folks. We’ll have a nice little archive to present to IATSE one day.

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Only one agency worth my respect for TVCs and that is Talent in Taiwan with Ponny Chen.

Break a leg.

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No it was the US.

I’ve been an actor TWese productions. Three I think. The only complaint I have is there was no craft service, no lunch and I had to chase them to get paid. The first one I had to go from Kaoshiung to Taipei to get my money.

SMH at having to spend money to get it.

Not to nit pick, but that’s three complaints. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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