World's coolest streets - Yongkang Street? ‘Time Out Guide’

World’s coolest streets 2022
No: 4 Yonkang Street, Taipei
:thinking: “mellow lane in the genteel Dongmen neighbourhood packed with excellent restaurants, holes-in-the-wall sizzling with traditional fried snacks, decadent dessert parlours, upmarket boutiques and historical tea rooms with all the ceremonial trappings”





Motorway ranking, but surprised to see Taiwan’s ranking

I’m not. The roads themselves are high quality. I think intersection design, bike lanes etc… could be improved, but rarely do I see potholes, cracks etc. but things like the highways, bridges etc… are generally well constructed and smooth.

I’ve seen roads in the US and Canada that were so neglected that the post-apocalyptic future of the year 2300 in Chrono Trigger had better roads.

The Japanese put together the worst they could think of and this is all they could come up with in a video game.

What a mess…


It’s pretty cool, but yeah, there has to be some cooler streets somewhere :slight_smile:

Taipei City’s Yongkang Street is “cool” in the same way that Din Tai Feng is “cool.” It’s popular, somewhat overpriced, and pretty much as far removed from “cool” as I can imagine. :upside_down_face:



For Taipei? There’s a restaurant I like. It’s renau

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Image result for renau taipei



I believe tempogain means 熱鬧.


Thank you @quandary

Thank goodness. Otherwise I was struggling to find a place to park all those French cars!


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What’s the coolest street in Taipei then?

I vote for “American Street” in Ximen, glossed as follows:

American Street, actually the T-junction between Lane 96 Kunming Street and Lane 120 Wuchang Street, totes edgy record stores, trendy barbers, and some of the best thrifting in the city.

It was better with the sadly closed ultracool Woolloomooloo Out West at the end of the street. But the spirit of the street still lives on. :grin:

Source: 8 Awesome Things to Do on American Street, Ximending, Taipei



They’re all hot AF right now… :sweat_smile:


All Ximending is cooler, true enough.

My street in Yorkshire


This is just so freaking stupid. This is not a cool street, not a great street, it’s a boring street like the whole area. Drop by for a snack or something or a cup of coffee and that’s about it. And that generally only counts daytime on the weekends. After dark is boring as hell everyday.

There are only just a few places of interest even.

If they would have wrote this 10 years or more ago I would be more supportive but not now.

There are many other streets in Taipei or Taiwan that are better.

And to put a cap on the stupidity, Timeout doesn’t even have a presence in Taiwan. They are just blowing someone else’s smoke out of their ass.

This contributing writer Ed Cunningham is exaggerating.


Most streets on that list look/are nothing special

In defence of the area, I will also stop by the Chunghwa Telecom store on nearby Jinshan South Road to pay my bills if I missed the usual convenience store deadline.

Does that make it “cool”? :upside_down_face:



I’ve had two Taiwan friends in 2 days try to convince me to go to Yang Kang Jia for dinner. Neither one of them has ever recommended going to that area for dinner.

I guess the marketing (mind control) is working.

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