Okay, I just gotta hear it. Tell me all about the worst date you’ve had so far in Taiwan. Sorry, but I don’t wanna go first! :raspberry:
Back around 1996, I joined the “ROC Singles Association” since I frankly hadn’t gotten close to anything male interested in me for some time prior. The receptionist was happy enough to take my membership, but took some pains to inform me with regret that I was not eligible for their “guaranteed marriage or your money back” program.
Anyway, the idea was that they took your personal details and matched you up with guys. Only problem was that they thought I, in my mid-30s, should be matched with guys in their late 40s (which might have been okay depending) who had “higher education” and who had been abroad (but tragically not nearly long enough to make a difference!)
One such guy worked with some sort of maritime association or other. We met at the Singles Association office, which was set up with these little booths you would meet people in, and after the usual back and forth decided we would go “out” somewhere. The default first date from this place seemed to be the obligatory “drive in the mountains”, so off we headed in his (fairly nice) car to the Hsintian area. Scenery is nice, we’re chatting, everything is fine, when suddenly he turns to me and inquires, “So, do you masturbate?”
The only guy this Association matched me up with whom I liked was a total accident – someone screwed up and set me up with a Taiwanese guy with absolutely no English, only a tech-school education, and who had never been and never wanted to go abroad. He was the sweetest man. That didn’t work out for something long-term but he was waaaay better than the other sorry excuses for singles they provided.
[quote=“ironlady”]Back around 1996, I joined the “ROC Singles Association” since I frankly hadn’t gotten close to anything male interested in me for some time prior. The receptionist was happy enough to take my membership, but took some pains to inform me with regret that I was not eligible for their “guaranteed marriage or your money back” program.
Anyway, the idea was that they took your personal details and matched you up with guys. Only problem was that they thought I, in my mid-30s, should be matched with guys in their late 40s (which might have been okay depending) who had “higher education” and who had been abroad (but tragically not nearly long enough to make a difference!)
One such guy worked with some sort of maritime association or other. We met at the Singles Association office, which was set up with these little booths you would meet people in, and after the usual back and forth decided we would go “out” somewhere. The default first date from this place seemed to be the obligatory “drive in the mountains”, so off we headed in his (fairly nice) car to the Hsintian (Xindian) area. Scenery is nice, we’re chatting, everything is fine, when suddenly he turns to me and inquires, “So, do you masturbate?”
The only guy this Association matched me up with whom I liked was a total accident – someone screwed up and set me up with a Taiwanese guy with absolutely no English, only a tech-school education, and who had never been and never wanted to go abroad. He was the sweetest man. That didn’t work out for something long-term but he was waaaay better than the other sorry excuses for singles they provided. [/quote]
That’s truly horrible, Ironlady. It seems there were very good reasons why some of these guys were single.
[quote=“ironlady”]Back around 1996, I joined the “ROC Singles Association” since I frankly hadn’t gotten close to anything male interested in me for some time prior. The receptionist was happy enough to take my membership, but took some pains to inform me with regret that I was not eligible for their “guaranteed marriage or your money back” program.
Anyway, the idea was that they took your personal details and matched you up with guys. Only problem was that they thought I, in my mid-30s, should be matched with guys in their late 40s (which might have been okay depending) who had “higher education” and who had been abroad (but tragically not nearly long enough to make a difference!)
One such guy worked with some sort of maritime association or other. We met at the Singles Association office, which was set up with these little booths you would meet people in, and after the usual back and forth decided we would go “out” somewhere. The default first date from this place seemed to be the obligatory “drive in the mountains”, so off we headed in his (fairly nice) car to the Hsintian (Xindian) area. Scenery is nice, we’re chatting, everything is fine, when suddenly he turns to me and inquires, “So, do you masturbate?”
The only guy this Association matched me up with whom I liked was a total accident – someone screwed up and set me up with a Taiwanese guy with absolutely no English, only a tech-school education, and who had never been and never wanted to go abroad. He was the sweetest man. That didn’t work out for something long-term but he was waaaay better than the other sorry excuses for singles they provided. [/quote]
Example # 37434 as to why you shouldn’t let people set you up. They aren’t interested in what YOU want but what THEY think you should want…
[quote=“the chief”][url]Bubba 2 Guns vs. Car...Car loses
Sorry, chief.
I once had a “date” with a taxi driver who simply would not stop blocking my path and/or following at the same speed I was walking. He finally got it accross to me that he didn’t want a fare, he wanted a coffee. So we had coffee. He spoke about fifteen words of English, and at the time, I spoke about as much Mandarine. He asked for my number. I asked him why? He couln’t tell me, so we just left it at that.
On my first date with my husband, some tourists, I think they were likley Japanese, came and took photos of themselves with me. Just walked over, put arms around me and smiled while their friends took a photo, then left never having attempted a single word to me in any language! That was strange.
Not nearly as bad as some, and my absolute worst date was in S. Korea, but kinda crazy.
Oh, well, there was the teenager who used to follow me to McDonald’s and pleasure himself as I ate. Not really a date for ME, but for him it was always good.
Was set up on a blind date once in Taipei by a friend in K-town. We met at Roxy 99 and she proceeded to get fall down drunk on tequila shooters. After pointing out 5 other guys in the bar she said were ex-boyfriends she went and passed out in a cubicle in the boys washroom. Had to carry her up the stairs over my shoulder and load her in the back of her friends car.
The next day she calls me all embarrassed and says she’d like to make it up to me by taking me to her favorite hotspring in Yangmingshan. I arrive at her apartment and she asks if it’s ok for me to watch tv for and hour or so, cause she really needs a bit more sleep. An hour goes by and then who walks out of her room wrapped in a towl on the way to the bathroom? One of the 5 “ex-boyfriends” from the night before!!! very classy gal.
Is that the one that had this magazine that would feature glamor shots of some of their members and some restaurants would be in their program, with stickers on their windows indicating you could show them your singles card and get a discount?
I don’t think so. At least no one ever told ME I could get discounts or be featured!
They were just this little outfit on Roosevelt Road, near CKS Memorial Hall in Taipei. Normal 2nd floor office type arrangement. Of course I really should have known that anyone in Taiwanese culture who lacked the requisite younger-sister’s-classmates-to-marry arrangement was probably either weird or socially maladjusted (although the nice guy they introduced me to was there because he’d been caring for his dying mother for a long time and hadn’t really had a chance to be “on the market”.)
I don’t have any dating stories in Taiwan as of yet- but these stories are amusing so I hope we hear more!
The worst ones are the serious ones. I met a girl once for our first date and she started telling me about how she was looking for a long-term relationship.
OK, I said, wondering where this was going.
Eventually to marriage.
So I’ll have to introduce you to my parents.
They won’t like your hair.
Do you mind getting it cut?
Fortunately we were interrupted by the arrival of the waiter to take our orders. Yes, we were ten minutes into our first date. That was a couple of years ago, and one of the reasons I tend to avoid the local girls since then.
Sounds more like an interview than a date.
Can two women marry each other in Taiwan?
Lots of Taiwan females would see a long haired foreigner as something you boink and don’t show to the folks.
That might be good in itself.
[quote=“superking”]Sounds more like an interview than a date.
Can two women marry each other in Taiwan?[/quote]
It’s amazing, isn’t it? She was quite happy to declare herself a lesbian, but didn’t want her partner to look too girly. Taiwanese girls are weird, I tell you. Stick with western women.
[quote=“Loretta”][quote=“superking”]Sounds more like an interview than a date.
Can two women marry each other in Taiwan?[/quote]
It’s amazing, isn’t it? She was quite happy to declare herself a lesbian, but didn’t want her partner to look too girly. Taiwanese girls are weird, I tell you. Stick with western women.[/quote]
Battery9 wrote an interesting post about how Taiwanese lesbians split themselves into two groups. Maybe that girl was a butch, and was looking for a bitch.
It seemed that gender roles have little to do with sexuality.