Worst date in Taiwan

[quote=“the chief”][url]Bubba 2 Guns vs. Car...Car loses

Sorry, chief.

I once had a “date” with a taxi driver who simply would not stop blocking my path and/or following at the same speed I was walking. He finally got it accross to me that he didn’t want a fare, he wanted a coffee. So we had coffee. He spoke about fifteen words of English, and at the time, I spoke about as much Mandarine. He asked for my number. I asked him why? He couln’t tell me, so we just left it at that.

On my first date with my husband, some tourists, I think they were likley Japanese, came and took photos of themselves with me. Just walked over, put arms around me and smiled while their friends took a photo, then left never having attempted a single word to me in any language! That was strange.

Not nearly as bad as some, and my absolute worst date was in S. Korea, but kinda crazy.

Oh, well, there was the teenager who used to follow me to McDonald’s and pleasure himself as I ate. Not really a date for ME, but for him it was always good.